SKQ62 - My Manifesto

Day 426, 03:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by SKQ62
SKQ62's Manifesto

Hello, I'm SKQ62 and I'm standing for Congressman for the East Midlands region. You may or may not have encountered me before: I've been around for about two months, but I've very active on the forums and am on the game everyday, as well as writing a newspaper that has appeared on eRepublik's daily top UK stories twice. I'd like to believe I've made a positive impact on everyone I've encountered in the eUK.

What I believe:

- I am a proud member of the TUP, but I like to think my beliefs and hopes for eRepublik and the East Midlands in particular are beneficial for all.
- As a central left-winger, I believe in providing a good standard of healthcare and government help for all. This means a continuation of the current excellent standard of healthcare, providing assistance for those with little money and wellness and mentoring and helping the new players to the game and region.
- I believe the state should have some say in helping businesses and making it fair for managers and employees, but ultimately leave it to the managers to decide how to run them.
- I believe everyone has the right to say in how the government runs, and the Congressman should reflect what the people think and act for them and not just themselves.

What I do:

- I currently serve the region as the NHS East Midlands Clinic director: this means I spend time everyday checking the active members who have reported in and gifting them where necessary, indeed some of your may have already been gifted by me. This is the kind of commitment that I give to the region everyday and am willing to put in as Congressman.
- I am also collaborating with SparkieGeek to spearhead a programme to improve the NHS information, allowing us to help more of you and faster. I am willing to think outside the box and put in the extra effort if it will help the people of the East Midlands.
- I have helped a number of new players to both play the game and make an effective and fun contribution to the forums. I will continue to put forward this level of patience and helpfulness for you and others.
- I serve my country overseas in the Royal Navy by defending our military interests and that of our allies, wherever the action.

What I will do for you:

- I intend to open a workshop forum for the East Midlands on the forums if I get elected. This will allow everyone in the region to put forward their views and what they would like me to bring to the government for me on your behalf. I will also bring to your attention any big pieces of legislation so that you can have your say too.
- I will try my hardest to get funds from the government for whatever you or the region need as long as it's reasonable.
- I will make the region and the forum more active. I am already sorting out the East Midlands pub quiz team to enter the national tournament for real cash prizes. I will continue to start and run games like these so eRepublik becomes more than a few-click-a-day game for you, and the forum becomes a very real and enjoyable part of the experience. I have also starting bringing in new players
- I will report back to you on any major decisions: I will not be one of those Congressmen who run off to government and do my own thing without any feedback to and from you guys.

So if you like what you read, on election day, remember SKQ62 will work for you! Don't just vote for the party. Vote for the individual. Vote for me.

Thank you, and have a great day.
~ SKQ62