Should Australia Leave Eden with US/Join New Alliance?

Day 853, 15:44 Published in Australia USA by Turd Fergusen

If you haven't read this article by the American president, then do so.
also this less diplomatic article by former US president Josh Frost may help you to understand where I'm coming from:

In it the US president PigInZen talks about troubles the US has with Eden that I think are also very relevant to Australia's issues with Eden. During the battle of Limpopo some of the major Eden powers ignored official Eden orders and did not send adequate support, thus losing the battle and dooming our allies, South Africa, to Brazilian and Argentinian control. This was important becuase congressional elections are coming up and if a country is occupied then a congress can't be elected so there is no one to monitor citizenship. Anyone can just go to south Africa and get citizenship now, which is bad because Phoenix will most likely PTO South Africa and steal all their Titanium. The US has a good reasons to leave Eden. The US is a major contributor to the alliance financially and militarily, but seems to get no respect and attention from their European allies.

Similarly Australia is often thought of as an "unimportant" member of the Eden alliance simply because we don't have a large active population. Eden did not take our offensives into Brazilian and Argentinian controlled South Africa seriously. Even though we fought like hell, Phoenix just sent more troops. There is just no excuse for this lack in coordination within Eden. Some of the European members of Eden just don't seem to care about anything but their own interests, and leave smaller countries like us to fend for ourselves (except for Greece, they rock)

It is possible that the US will leave Eden. Not probable, but possible. But if Australia were to leave Eden, what alliance could we join?

No. Sol kinda sucks and has no backbone.

No, they are small and we have nothing in common.

lol que? wats an ALA?

We could create a completely new alliance! Encompassing the brolliance of course, it could be like a great English speaking alliance. The countries of USA, Australia, Canada, Ireland, South Africa, and the UK(if they get that stick out their buttholes) could be part of this alliance. This would work out pretty well because most of these countries are already our friends, like the brolliance countries and South Africa. And even better, there won't be any more "communication problems" because we all speak English.

I'm not saying that Australia or the US will leave Eden, and they probably won't. Its just something to think about.