Scrabman: The Best Choice for President

Day 560, 19:27 Published in USA USA by prezpac

These are uncertain times right now in eRepublik. We're still trying to figure out what our role is in this world, who our allies are and how to grow stronger as a country.

When you vote for President on Friday, June 5th, I encourage you to vote for the person who is best qualified to lead us in this new era -- Scrabman.

In his over two months as President, Scrabman has proven to us that he has all the qualities a president needs.

Scrabman thinks everything through, and doesn't react impulsively. Through his newspaper and his posts on the forums, you can see he analyzes everything meticulously.

Scrabman listens to us -- all of us, including those who disagree with him. Even though Scrabman could take the easy way out and say he's too busy to respond, Scrabman instead is famous for replying to nearly everyone's personal message or forum post about him.

Scrabman doesn't panic. After the falling of ATLANTIS and the battle loss against Russia, a lesser man would've done something brash or given up. Scrab instead remained patient, not joining an alliance we might regret just for the sake of joining an alliance.

Scrabman is a great communicator. He publishes regular newspaper articles to let us know what's going on, uses his shouts to communicate quick messages to us and chimes in on the forums.

Scrabman knows how to delegate, he isn't a dictator. He has a huge cabinet he relies on and lets Congress act on its own, not telling them they must do something or else. He has helped tremendously with the budget and regularly communicates with Congress about foreign policy and the military.

Scrabman is up to the job -- he's on eRep at all hours of the day, late at night and very early in the morning. It's as if he doesn't sleep.

Vote Scrabman/Bastion on June 5th!

-- ligtreb
Proud member of the USWP and supporter of Scrabman