Save Iran! (Free moving tickets!)

Day 760, 13:41 Published in United Kingdom Hungary by montaigne

Dear British Citizens!

As you all know, the president of eUSA has proposed a war declaration against eIRAN. The voting will be finished during the night hours, so tomorrow morning when we wake up, Liaoning will be most likely under the siege.

I am sure, that the British Army got the instructions what to do, etc. Right now I am only turning to the CIVILIANS. What can a civilain do for the country in these times?

Here is my plan:

1. Move to Liaoning (it has a Q5 hospital). This way the wall will be increased by 150 untis by every person who moves there.
2. In addition to this, the cost of attacking the region (to be paid to the admins) will increase by 0,25 Gold by each citizen who lives there.
3. We assume, that one average civilian will hit 2x5= 10 times and inflict a damage of not more than 500 (before and after daychange, 2 fights with Q1 weapons, the rest bare hands).
4. One average enemy tank will do a damage of 125 from the price of 1 Gold

Calculation of YOUR impact on the battle:
1. Since we calculate with 2 simultaneous battles (attack + RW), one civilian like U will increase the wall by 2x150 = 300, plus make a damage of 500 = total 800 damage units.
2. Cost of starting the 2 battles = 2 x 0,25 Gold = 0,5 Gold
3. So the enemy will have to spend 6,4 Gold for EACH PERSON who goes there to fight while our cost is only 0,5 Gold.

Roughly for each of our Golds spent on travelling tickets, the USA has to spend 13 times as much Gold. Isn't that remarkable?

The second ticket is needed either to get home or to move to the next location, Heilongjiang (Q5 Hospital)/ Hungary, in case the enemy is going to win in Iran.

As a summary:

1. Decide if You want to help in the war against eUSA!
2. If you decide NO, than just take care of your stamp collection, no hard feelings. If you decide YES, than WORK, and then leave a message before you resign to your employer, explaining your plan (wh did U resign, when do U plan to return, etc). If U are a member of a party, you have to resign from that as well.
3. Go to mibbit #togov room, and You will be offered 2 tickets and Q2 / Q3 wepons depeding on your strength. If you have some money, you may do some shopping as well (weapons, food, gift...whatever you are used with). By shopping at home you help your own economy!
4. Move to Liaoning / Iran as soon as you can, but preferabley before midnight!
5. Lay back and wait for the enemy with high wellness.
6. Tomorrow morning log-in before daychange and FIGHT x 5 and Heal in Q5 Hospital.
7. Tomorrow after daychange Fight again x 5, and Heal!
8. Depending on the status of the battle:
a. either return to UK and go back to your employer or…
b. Go to Heilongjiang / Hungary and wait for the second attack to come. (in this case You must get a job in Hungary, but it will not be a problem, all the allies are welcome in Hungary)
9. In the Heilongjiang battle (if it will be at all) we will publish new instructions.

Thank you for your support
