S-a votat Congresul ! Ne-am ales stapanii cu grija ?

Day 372, 21:22 Published in Romania Romania by OchiReci

Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGQ1hjSCMNw&e

Indiferent daca ai votat sau nu. Pentru ca si prin neprezentare tot asta ai facut. Si chiar daca spotul pare ca se refera la alegerile prezidentiale, pare sa fie si la cele generale.

Sincer, sper sa nu mai avem parte vreodata de asa ceva…

1. Rezultat Alegeri

* Stats [ Procentele afisate de joc sunt incorecte ]
[ ○○○ Candidat [ Vechime ] [ National Rank ] - Partid - Prezentare ]
* Parere Personala
[ Urmeaza o lista pe regiuni ]

۞ Banat - 417 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 62 - Presence : 14,86 %
○○○ ovidiu303 [ 7 months ] [ 52 ] - eUGD - Presentation - 47 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Lau [ 9 months ] [ 44 ] - eRBP - No Presentation - 15 Votes
○○○ O lupta surda in care a castigat partidul si expunerea media in fata experientei

۞ Bassarabia - 28 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 9 - Presence : 32,14 %
○○○ iridiu [ 4 months ] [ 801 ] - eUGD - Presentation - 5 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ alex201 [ 1 month ] [ 1852 ] - PMR - No Presentation - 4 Votes
○○○ Fara experienta , fara expunere media , fara un mic renume doar o lupta oarba pana in ultima clipa cu voturi importate din alte regiuni pentru ambele partide.

۞ Bucovina - 118 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 15 - Presence : 12,71 %
○○○ satelite [ 8 months ] [ 52 ] - eUGD - No Presentation - 9 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Rotaru Bogdan [ 1 month ] [ 1942 ] - RU - No Presentation - 6 Votes
○○○ Un fost primar castiga in fata unui jucator nou, nu suprinde prea mult insa deasemenea nici nu prea incanta tinand cont de activitatea lui satelite care nu e prea vizibila

۞ Bukovina - 20 Citizens - [ Single Fight Winner ]
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 1 - Presence : 5,00 %
○○○ Chaosdevill [ 6 months ] [ 77 ] - eUGD - No Presentation [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Meteahna democratiei , congressman cu "sustinere sa" intr`o zona dezertata

۞ Central Hungary - 312 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 25 - Presence : 8,01 %
○○○ mordisk [ 6 months ] [ 161 ] - eUGD - No Presentation - 13 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Gregorius Maximus [ 4 months ] [ 174 ] - PMR - No Presentation - 12 Votes
○○○ O lupta stransa pana in ultimele minute , a pierdut un om activ, a castigat un necunoscut care la prima impresie nici nu e roman

۞ Central Transdanubia - 31 Citizens - [ Single Fight Winner ]
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 3 - Presence : 9,67 %
○○○ Andrew McWilliams [ 2 months ] [ 1238 ] - PL - No Presentation - 3 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Meteahna democratiei , congressman cu "sustinere unora" intr`o zona dezertata

۞ Chisinau - 67 Citizens - [ Single Fight Winner ]
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 8 - Presence : 11,94 %
○○○ Tsouhinho [ 7 months ] [ 520 ] - PMR - Presentation - 8 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Meteahna democratiei , congressman cu "sustinere unora" intr`o zona dezertata

۞ Crisana - 134 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 17 - Presence : 12,68 %
○○○ ashbird [ 6 months ] [ 90 ] - eUGD - No Presentation - 11 votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ trex21 [ 4 months ] [ 471 ] - PMR - No Presentation - 6 votes
○○○ Fara Surprize

۞ Dnipro - 19 Citizens - [ Single Fight Winner ]
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 6 - Presence : 31,57 %
○○○ emilas93 [ 6 months ] [ 270 ] - PMR - No Presentation [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Meteahna democratiei , congressman cu "sustinere unora" intr`o zona dezertata

۞ Dobrogea - 373 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 60 - Presence : 16,08 %
○○○ acadele [ 4 months ] [ 351 ] - PL - Presentation - 23 Votes - [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ lic_ciprian [ 6 months ] [ 494 ] - eUGD - No Presentation - 23 Votes - [ ۩ Wild Card ]
○○○ cryuff [ 8 months ] [ 35 ] - eRBP - No Presentation - 12 Votes
○○○ vasica [ 8 months ] [ 52 ] - PMR - No Presentation - 2 Votes
○○○ Surpiza mare este eliminarea lui cryuff si alegerea pe wild card a lui lic_ciprian , daca despre primul pot spune multe , despre al doilea nu stiu nimic. O mica supriza o reprezinta si alegerea directa a lui acadele dar e de inteles datorita popularitati , expuneri media si desigur a partidului

۞ Donbas - 30 Citizens - [ Single Fight Winner ]
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 1 - Presence : 3,33 %
○○○ beepbeep [ 8 months ] [ 49 ] - eUGD - No Presentation - 1 Vote - [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Meteahna democratiei , congressman cu "sustinere sa" intr`o zona dezertata

۞ Eastern Slovakia - 12 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 3 - Presence : 25,00 %
○○○ kinpin [ 6 months ] [ 579 ] - PL - No Presentation - 2 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ j3ronymo [ 3 months ] [ 994 ] - PMR - No Presentation - 1 Vote
○○○ Regiune mica si simplu de explicat , sa castigat pe 1 vot adaugat la cele 2 ale candidatilor pentru ei. De inteles insa datorita populatiei scazute

۞ Galicia - 15 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 6 - Presence : 40,00 %
○○○ Kaos AD [ 9 months ] [ 59 ] - eUGD - No Presentation - 3 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Dreamboy [ 4 months ] [ 518 ] - PMR - No Presentation - 3 Votes
○○○ Un membru al miscari Victor Petrescu , un "tanc" ajuns Captain cu 100 gold de la stat .. ajuns acum cu greu Congressman printr-un posibil "turism electoral" dupa cum sugereaza prezenta ridicata la vot intr`o regiune dezertata

۞ Maramures - 142 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 35 - Presence : 24,64 %
○○○ ionutzsteaua [ 8 months ] [ 60 ] - eUGD - No Presentation - 20 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ diu1so [ 5 months ] [ 410 ] - PL - Presentation - 15 Votes
○○○ Alt "tanc" ajuns Sergent cu bani de la stat ajuns in Congress mai degraba cu votul partidului decat cu sustinere reala in regiune

۞ Moldova - 610 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 86 - Presence : 14,09 %
○○○ OchiReci [ 8 months ] [ 7 ] - PL - Presentation - 37 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ REMUSSTEEL [ 4 months ] [ 560 ] - eUGD - No Presentation - 28 Votes [ ۩ Wild Card ]
○○○ MickeyD [ 5 months ] [ 91 ] - PMR - No Presentation - 21 Votes
○○○ Nu voi comenta alegerea mea ... multumesc insa tuturor pentru voturile acordate. Wild cardul luat de remussteel prezinta adevarata putere eUGD in regiune si eliminarea lui MickeyD reprezinta o alta surpriza a acestor alegeri.

۞ Muntenia - 1766 Citizens - [ Single Fight Winner ]
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 203 - Presence : 11,49 %
○○○ ilcri [ 6 months ] [ 378 ] - eUGD - No Presentation [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Capitala Romaniei , un candidat ! 🙁 . Momentul cel mai penibil al acestor alegeri

۞ Northern Great Plan - 28 Citizens - [ Single Fight Winner ]
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 1 - Presence : 3,57 %
○○○ Luther [ 2 months ] [ 1911 ] - PMR - Presentation - 1 Vote [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Meteahna democratiei , congressman cu "sustinere sa" intr`o zona dezertata

۞ Northern Hungary - 66 Citizens - [ Single Fight Winner ]
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 1 - Presence : 1,51 %
○○○ Ivan cel groaznic [ 3 months ] [ 811 ] - PMR - No Presentation - 1 Vote [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Meteahna democratiei , congressman cu "sustinere sa" intr`o zona dezertata

۞ Northern Basarabia - 17 Citizens - [ Single Fight Winner ]
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 3 - Presence : 17,64 %
○○○ Stefan cel Mare [ 8 months ] [ 337 ] - PMR - No Presentation - 3 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Meteahna democratiei , congressman cu "sustinere sa" intr`o zona dezertata

۞ Oltenia - 270 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 56 - Presence : 20,74 %
○○○ Eli_eli185 [ 7 months ] [ 514 ] - eUGD - Presentation - 23 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Claudiu Ghebaru [ 4 months ] [ 270 ] - RU - No Presentation - 23 Votes [ ۩ Wild Card ]
○○○ dorin4ever [ 4 months ] [ 636 ] - PMR - No Presentation - 10 Votes
○○○ Lupta stransa cu rezultat echitabil , atat eUGD cat si RU au intrat in Congress. Felicitari fina si felicitari Claudiu

۞ Podolia - 264 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 125 - Presence : 47,34 %
○○○ malika ela [ 4 months ] [ 171 ] - eUGD - Presentation - 56 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ smif [ 6 months ] [ 2 ] - PL - No Presentation - 35 Votes [ ۩ Wild Card ]
○○○ pmi [ 4 months ] [ 247 ] - RU - No Presentation - 25 Votes [ ۩ Wild Card ]
○○○ Adam Wise [ 4 months ] [ 451 ] - eRBP - Presentation - 9 Votes
○○○ Nu voi comenta prea mult , e clar ca sa umblat cu camioanele aici si daca ma gandesc ca smif avea 30+ voturi si malika 20 la o anumita ora in care dansa comenta "Daca mi-as fi mobilizat toti invitatii in joc as fi luat inca majoritatea in Podolia" situatia e clara. Felicit pe smif si pmi pentru voturile obtinute , ma abtin in cazul candidatei eUGD din cauza lipsei moralitati. Un candidat nu poate fi impus prin voturile prietenilor sai , ci prin alegerea poporului si deasemenea e lipsit de bun simt sa te mai si lauzi cand inseli votul cetatenilor pe care aparent ii reprezinti

۞ Polisia - 17 Citizens [ Single Fight Winner ]
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 9 - Presence : 52,94 %
○○○ sdwange [ 4 months ] [ 315 ] - eUGD - No Presentation - 9 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Meteahna democratiei , congressman cu sustinere intr`o zona dezertata

۞ Siveria - 12 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 10 - Presence : 83,33 %
○○○ Kara Kalla [ 7 months ] [ 59 ] - eUGD - No Presentation - 5 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Von Ach [ 3 months ] [ 879 ] - RU - No Presentation - 5 Votes
○○○ Cine se aseamana ... se aduna. Si au adunat si ei cativa prieteni sa ii voteze. Nu ma credeti pe mine ..uitati-va la prezenta si comparati-o cu alte regiuni dezertate

۞ Sloboda - 12 Citizens [ Single Fight Winner ]
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 3 - Presence : 25,00 %
○○○ Blaster2008 [ 9 months ] [ 10 ] - eUGD - No Presentation [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Meteahna democratiei , congressman cu sustinere intr`o zona dezertata

۞ Southern Basarabia [ Single Fight Winner ] - 13 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 4 - Presence : 30,76 %
○○○ MosCraciun1923 [ 8 months ] [ 105 ] - eUGD - No Presentation - 4 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Meteahna democratiei , congressman cu "sustinere unora" intr`o zona dezertata

۞ Southern Great Plain - 44 Citizens [ Single Fight Winner ]
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 4 - Presence : 9,09 %
○○○ eMill [ 4 months ] [ 636 ] - PMR - No Presentation - 4 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Meteahna democratiei , congressman cu "sustinere unora" intr`o zona dezertata

۞ Southern Transdanubia - 104 Citizens [ Single Fight Winner ]
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 4 - Presence : 3,84 %
○○○ dabestof [ 4 months ] [ 225 ] - PL - No Presentation - 4 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Meteahna democratiei , congressman cu "sustinere unora" intr`o zona dezertata

۞ Subcarpathia - 26 Citizens [ Single Fight Winner ]
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 1 - Presence : 3,84 %
○○○ PR07ON [ 4 months ] [ 1382 ] - eUGD - No Presentation - 1 Vote [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Meteahna democratiei , congressman cu "sustinere sa" intr`o zona dezertata

۞ Taurida - 11 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 7 - Presence : 72,72 %
○○○ MoonlightShadow [ 3 months ] [ 543 ] - eUGD - No Presentation - 6 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Rocco Granata [ 3 months ] [ 902 ] - PL - No Presentation - 1 Vote
○○○ Citez din malika ela : "De remarcat faptul ca eu la alegerile trecute l-am votat pe MoonlightSahdow in loc sa-mi dau mie votul; de asemenea de remarcat faptul ca la alegerile astea mi-am trimis 3 persoane introduse de mine in joc...sa-l voteze tot pe el, pentru ca zona in care el candideaza are doar vreo 8 cetateni (exceptandu-l pe el)". Apelez la vocea ratiuni lui moon sa doneze cei 5 gold primiti la Romania si sa isi dea demisia de onoare din Congress datorita modului imoral in care a ajuns aici si pentru ca ocupa locul unor oameni care au primit mult mai multe voturi ca el si care detin si sustinere reala. Oare demersul va fi un succes sau foamea de scaun e mai mare , dupa cum pare

۞ Transilvania - 656 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 81 - Presence : 12,34 %
○○○ Augustus Maximus [ 3 months ] [ 662 ] - RU - No Presentation - 29 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Felinar [ 2 months ] [ 1757 ] - eUGD - No Presentation - 28 Votes [ ۩ Wild Card ]
○○○ BAD-JOKE [ 2 months ] [ 1689 ] - PMR - Presentation - 24 Votes [ ۩ Wild Card ]
○○○ Trei candidati si trei alesi , echitabil

۞ Transnistria - 32 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 15 - Presence : 46,87 %
○○○ Alex Craciun [ 9 months ] [ 1 ] - eUGD - No Presentation - 6 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ TataBobu [ 4 months ] [ 623 ] - eRBP - No Presentation - 6 Votes
○○○ Florea Vlad [ 2 months ] [ 1458 ] - PL - No Presentation - 3 Votes
○○○ Surprinde numarul mic de voturi a lui Alex si lupta stransa , insa aici e o supriza in sensul pozitiv. Felicitari Alex pentru alegere, oricum o meritai cu varf si indesat si deasemenea felicitari pentru corectitudine.

۞ Volhynia - 10 Citizens [ Single Fight Winner ]
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 3 - Presence : 30,00 %
○○○ Black1990 [ 3 months ] [ 429 ] - eUGD - No Presentation [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ Meteahna democratiei , congressman cu "sustinere unora" intr`o zona dezertata

۞ Zaporozhia - 15 Citizens
○○○ Stats : Total votes : 16 - Presence : 106,66 %
○○○ Grinch85 [ 4 months ] [ 241 ] - eRBP - No Presentation - 10 Votes [ ۩ Elected ]
○○○ zappa [ 11 months ] [ 9 ] - eUGD - No Presentation - 3 Votes
○○○ wwwasea [ 8 months ] [ 214 ] - PMR - No Presentation - 3 Votes
○○○ Uite si o regiune cu prezenta de peste 100 % , inutil sa mai comentez cum a ajuns asa

2. Noul Congress

۞ Note
◘ 58 citizen join the election
◘ 16 citizen win the election in a Single Fight [ 8 eUGD , 6 PMR , 2 PL ]
◘ 42 citizen fight for 24 places - 17 will win there region and 7 will get wild card.
◘ 24 places on fight was win by : 15 eUGD , 4 PL , 3 RU , 1 PMR , 1 eRBP
◘ Romania Have : 5457 Citizens
◘ General Coverage : 883 Votes - 16,18 % [ In game apear 28,87 % , fact that suggest that Romania have 3058 real citizen , the rest of 2399 being organizations ]

۞ Already in Congress : Single Fight Winers
[ In parentez 1 procentul obtinut in regiunea respectiva ]
[ In paranteza 2 procentul real al voturilor : voturi exprimate / numarul de cetateni ai Romaniei adica 5457 ]
[ In paranteza 3 procentul real al voturilor cetatenilor reali : voturi exprimate / numar de cetateni reali ai tari adica 3058 ]

◘ eUGD [ 8 Congressman ] :
○○○ Bukovina - 20 Citizens - Chaosdevill - 1 Vote - [ 5,00 % ] [ 0,018 % ] [ 0,032 % ]
○○○ Donbas - 30 Citizens - beepbeep - 1 Vote - [ 3,33 % ] [ 0,018 % ] [ 0,032 % ]
○○○ Muntenia - 1766 Citizens - ilcri - 203 Votes - [ 11,49 % ] [ 3,719 % ] [ ] [ 6,638 % ]
○○○ Polisia - 17 Citizens - sdwange - 9 Votes - [ 52,94 % ] [ 0,164 % ] [ 0,294 % ]
○○○ Sloboda - 12 Citizens - Blaster2008 - 3 Votes - [ 25,00 % ] [ 0,048 % ] [ 0,096 % ]
○○○ Southern Basarabia - 13 Citizens MosCraciun1923 - 4 Votes - [ 30,76 % ] [ 0,073 % ] [ 0,130 % ]
○○○ Subcarpathia - 26 Citizens - PR07ON - 1 Vote - [ 3,84 % ] [ 0,018 % ] [ 0,032 % ]
○○○ Volhynia - 10 Citizens - Black1990 - 3 Votes - [ 30,00 % ] [ 0,048 % ] [ 0,096 % ]

◘ PMR [ 6 Congressman ] :
○○○ Chisinau - 67 Citizens - Tsouhinho - 8 Votes - [ 11,94 % ] [ 0,146 % ] [ 0,261 % ]
○○○ Dnipro - 19 Citizens - emilas93 - 6 Votes - [ 31,57 % ] [ 0,109 % ] [ 0,196 % ]
○○○ Northern Great Plan - 28 Citizens - Luther - 1 Vote - [ 3,57 % ] [ 0,018 % ] [ 0,032 % ]
○○○ Northern Hungary - 66 Citizens - Ivan cel groaznic - 1 Vote - [ 1,51 % ] [ 0,018 % ] [ 0,032 % ]
○○○ Northern Basarabia - 17 Citizens - Stefan cel Mare - 3 Votes - [ 16,74 % ] [ 0,048 % ] [ 0,096 % ]
○○○ Southern Great Plain - 44 Citizens - eMill - 4 Votes - [ 9,09 % ] [ 0,073 % ] [ 0,130 % ]

◘ PL [ 2 Congressman ] :
○○○ Central Transdanubia - 31 Citizens - Andrew McWilliams - 3 Votes - [ 9,67 % ] [ 0,054 % ] [ 0,098 % ]
○○○ Southern Transdanubia - 104 Citizens - dabestof - 4 Votes - [ 3,84 % ] [ 0,073 % ] [ 0,130 % ]

۞ Honor Party Members and Members of Congress are in this region :

Banat : ovidiu303 [ eUGD ]
Bassarabia : iridiu [ eUGD ]
Bucovina : satelite [ eUGD ]
Central Hungary : mordisk [ eUGD ]
Crisana : ashbird [ eUGD ]
Dobrogea : acadele [ PL ]
lic_ciprian [ eUGD ]
Eastern Slovakia : kinpin [ PL ]
Galicia : Kaos AD [ eUGD ]
Maramures : ionutzsteaua [ eUGD ]
Moldova : OchiReci [ PL ]
Oltenia : Eli_eli185 [ eUGD ]
Claudiu Ghebaru [ RU ]
Podolia : malika ela [ eUGD ]
smif [ PL ]
pmi [ RU ]
Siveria : Kara Kalla [ eUGD ]
Taurida : MoonlightShadow [ eUGD ]
Transilvania : Augustus Maximus [ RU ]
Felinar [ eUGD ]
Transnistria : Alex Craciun [ eUGD ]
Zaporozhia : Grinch85 [ eRBP ]

۞ Congress November
◘ 40 Places
eUniunea Gamerilor Democrati - 23 Spots - [ 57,50 % ]
Partidul Managerilor din Romania - 7 Spots - [ 17,50 % ]
Partidul Liberal - 6 Spots - [ 15,00 % ]
Romania Unita - 3 Spots - [ 7,50 % ]
eRomanian Brainstorming Party - 1 Spot - [ 2,50 % ]

۞ Total Votes per Party
- Total Votes : 883 [ I only count : 628 ]
- Without Votes in Single Fight Region [ 255 Votes ]

eUniunea Gamerilor Democrati - 286 Votes - - - > [ 45,54 % ]
Partidul Liberal - 116 Votes - - - > [ 18,47 % ]
Romania Unita - 88 Votes - [ 14,01 % ]
Partidul Managerilor din Romania - 87 Votes - - - > [ 13,85 % ]
eRomanian Brainstorming Party - 52 Votes - - - > [ 8,28 % ]