Day 1,184, 06:53 Published in Russia Romania by Hellenic Reserves Division

Everything in the New World is changing very fast these days and everyone has seen with his eyes.Alliances are broken and new ones are made.

We witnesed the falling of Phoenix and the rise of NWO.EDEN became smaller but stronger and PANAM was found.Now we are in front of a new age in this game.The new geostrategical balances bring our countries closer and I am happy to see this.

You will ask me........"Why us the Russians to co-operate with you the Greeks?"
The answer is simple.We are reliable.I do not say to sign an alliance with us or to get into EDEN ....just a co-operation.We need resourses, you also need.We are capable of making our word true, and you are too.You need a friend country near you that is strong and vital to defend itself and to attack whenever is needed to cover its allies.

Your brothers, Bulgarians not only trusted us but they got into our alliance and now you can see with your own eyes that they are stronger than before and they are going for vacation to Iran after the victory against FYROV..

We can both give to one each other and I beleive that we can becaome good friends in this game.We can do good business together.Of course I do not forget that you are Orthodox just like us....

Hail Russia

Nikolaos Sklhros, greek soldier and e strategical analyser