Romanian Statistic - Stage VIII [ Part I ]

Day 416, 00:00 Published in Romania Romania by OchiReci
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Good Day, this is eRomanian official statistic.
Previous statistic :
Stage I – 03.07.2008 - Here
Stage II – 18.07.2008 - Here
Stage III – 02.08.2008 - Here
Stage IV – 01.09.2008 - Here
Stage V – 13.09.2008 - Here
Stage VI – 29.09.2008 - Here
Stage VII - 21.12.2008 - Here
Stage VIII - 9.01.2009 [ Part I ] - Here [ This Article ]
Stage VIII - 10.01.2009 [ Part II ] - Here [ Next Article ]

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* The data difference are resisted from 21.12.2008 [ Here ] till today 09.01.2009

••• Population : 6069 →→→ [ ▲ 956 ]
••• Town Number : 37 →→→ [ ▲ 4 ] [ 5 New Region , 1 Region Lost ]

New Regions are : West Siberian Region , Volga-Vyatka Region , Moscow Region , Central Black Earth Region , Northern Region
Lost Region is : Central Transdanubia

۞ Small Regions - Rural Area : 23 Regions and 489 Citizens.
This rural area means 62,16 % from total Romania Surface and only sustain 8,05 % from Romanian Population. We can basically see that in our elife we have a really clear migration from village to town. But because this region means 57,50 % from Romanian Congress [ 23 normal seats ] it is impetuous necessary that our Government involve and create a national public campaign to re-populate this areas. In the same time , probably the first steep to achieve the goal , all top five party presidents should have a candidate in this regions.
* New region added to Romania rise the population from this kind of areas with 2 percents and it also rise substantial the coverage area and the importance of this region in Congress rising over 50 %.

Region with 1 – 9 citizen [ 1 Region ] [ 8 Total Citizens ] [ 0,13 % ] - - - > [ Plus One Region ]
Sloboda [ 8 Citizens ] [ ▼ 4 ]

Region with 10 – 19 citizen [ 14 Region ] [ 214 Citizens ] [ 3,52 % ] - - - > [ Plus Two Region ]
Volhynia [ 10 Citizens ] [ ▼ 6 ]
Southern Basarabia [ 11 Citizens ] [ ▼ 2 ]
Taurida [ 12 Citizens ] [ ▲ 1 ]
Siveria [ 12 Citizens ] [ ▼ 4 ]
Polisia [ 13 Citizens ] [ ▼ 2 ]
Northern Basarabia [ 14 Citizens ] [ ▼ 3 ]
Bassarabia [ 15 Citizens ] [ H ◘ ] [ ▼ 4 ]
Northern Great Plan [ 15 Citizens ] [ H ◘ ] [ ▼ 6 ]
Dnipro [ 17 Citizens ] [ H ◘ ] [ ▲ 1 ]
Eastern Slovakia [ 18 Citizens ] [ ▼ 5 ]
Galicia [ 19 Citizens ] [ ▲ 4 ]
Subcarpathia [ 19 Citizens ] [ ▲ 3 ]
Zaporozhia [ 19 Citizens ] [ ▲ 3 ]
Donbas [ 20 Citizens ] [ ▼ 5 ]

Region with 20 – 29 citizen [ 3 Regions ] [ 70 Citizens ] [ 1,15 % ] - - - > [ Minus Three Region ]
Northern Region [ 22 Citizens ] [ ▲ 22 ] [ New Region ]
Bukovina [ 23 Citizens ] [ DS ◘ ] [ ▲ 3 ]
Transnistria [ 25 Citizens ] [ H ◘◘ ] [ DS ◘ ] [ ▲ 4 ]

Region with 30 – 39 citizen [ 1 Regions ] [ 20 Citizens ] [ 0,32 % ] - - - > [ Plus One Region ]
Southern Transdanubia [ 36 Citizens ] [ ▼ 20 ]

Region with 40 – 49 citizen [ 4 Regions ] [ 177 Citizens ] [ 2,91 % ] - - - > [ Plus Four Region ]
Southern Great Plain [ 40 Citizens ] [ ▼ 14 ]
Chisinau [ 41 Citizens ] [ DS ◘ ] [ ▼ 14 ]
Central Black Earth Region [ 47 Citizens ] [ ▲ 47 ] [ New Region ]
Northern Hungary [ 49 Citizens ] [ H ◘◘◘ ] [ ▼ 28 ]

۞ Normal Regions - Rural Area : 1 Region and 93 Citizens.
Normal region represent the center village from a rural area and off-course here we find more population. This administrative unit represent 2,70 % from Romanian Surface and sustain 93 Citizens meaning 1,53 % from entire country population. The representation this regions have in Parliament are 1 normal seats meaning 2,50 % from Congress.

Region with 50 – 99 citizen [ 1 Regions ] [ 93 Citizens ] - - - > [ Minus Three Region ]
Bucovina [ 93 Citizens ] [ H ◘◘ ] [ ▼ 15 ]

۞ Small & Normal Towns : 7 Regions and 1424 Citizens.
Small Towns represent 18,91 % from Romanian Surface , the population who live here represent 23,46 % and off-course the representation in Congress is at least 17,50 %
* New region added to Romania almost double all percent and rise substantial pe population from this are over three time.

Region with 100 – 199 citizen [ 3 Regions ] [ 416 Citizens ] - - - > [ No Change ]
Crisana [ 101 Citizens ] [ H ◘◘◘◘ ] [ ▼ 36 ]
Moscow Region [ 146 Citizens ] [ ▲ 146 ] [ New Region ]
Maramures [ 159 Citizens ] [ H ◘◘◘◘ ] [ ▲ 17 ]

Region with 200 – 299 citizen [ 4 Regions ] [ 1008 Citizens ] - - - > [ Plus Three Region ]
Oltenia [ 222 Citizens ] [ H ◘◘◘◘ ] [ DS ◘◘◘◘◘ ] [ ▼ 6 ]
Central Hungary [ 232 Citizens ] [ H ◘◘◘◘ ] [ ▼ 109 ]
Dobrogea [ 266 Citizens ] [ H ◘◘◘◘ ] [ ▼ 41 ]
Banat [ 288 Citizens ] [ H ◘◘◘◘ ] [ ▼ 55 ]

۞ Big City : 1 Regions and 328 Citizens.
Big Citys represent 2,70 from Romanian Surface , the population who live here represent 5,40 % and off-course the representation in Congress is at least 2,50 % meaning 1 normal spots
* Big drop in numbers , this kind or area lose 3/4 from it`s previews regions and population.

Region with 300 – 399 citizen [ 1 Regions ] [ 328 Citizens ] - - - > [ Minus Three Region ]
Volga-Vyatka Region [ 328 Citizens ] [ ▲ 328 ] [ New Region ]

Region with 400 – 499 citizen [ 0 Regions ] [ 0 Citizens ] - - - > [ Minus 2 Region ]

۞ Metropolitan Area : 4 Regions and 2275 Citizens.
Metropolitan Area represent 10,81 from Romanian Surface , the population who live here represent 37,48 % and off-course the representation in Congress is at least 4 seats meaning 10.00 % [ 4 normal seats ] and is also possibility to have a wildcard.

Region with 500 – 999 citizen [ 4 Regions ] [ 2275 Citizens ] - - - > [ Plus 2 Region ]
West Siberian Region [ 537 Citizens ] [ H ◘◘◘◘◘ ] [ DS ◘◘◘◘◘ ] [ ▲ 537 ] [ New Region ]
Moldova [ 539 Citizens ] [ H ◘◘◘◘ ] [ ▼ 27 ]
Podolia [ 577 Citizens ] [ H ◘◘◘◘◘ ] [ DS ◘◘◘◘◘ ] [ ▲ 230 ]
Transilvania [ 622 Citizens ] [ H ◘◘◘ ] [ DS ◘ ] [ ▼ 26 ]

۞ Capital and Administrativ Center : 1 Regions and 1860 Citizens.
Capital City represent 2,70 from Romanian Surface , the population who live here represent 30,64 % and off-course the representation in Congress is at least 2 - 3 seats meaning 5,00 - 7,50 % [ 1 normal seats plus at least 1-2 wildcard seats ]

◘ Region with over 1000 citizen – 1
Muntenia [ 1860 Citizens ] [ H ◘◘◘◘◘ ] [ ▲ 234 ]

P.S. : H - means Hospital , DS - Defense System , the ◘ means the quality

May – 654 - - - > [ ↔ ]
June – 934 - - - > [ ▲ 42,81 % ]
July - 1429 - - - > [ ▲ 52,99 % ]
August – 2406 - - - > [ ▲ 68,36 % ]
September – 3743 - - - > [ ▲ 55,56 % ]
October - ~ 4500 - - - > [ ▲ 20,22 % ]
November - 5457 - - - > [ ▲ 21,26 % ]
December - 5113 - - - > [ ▼ 6,31 % ]
January - 6069 - - - > [ ▲ 18,69 % ]

۞ Money on Romania Treasury
Gold : 73.90 - - - - - - - > [ + 29.30 Gold ]
RON : 32,162.51 - - - > [ - 267,346.11 Ron ]

* From previous article Romania donate : 349,997.00 Ron to BNR and 5,000.00 Ron to Crucea Rosie
* This means that in last 18 Days Romania registered a profit of : 29,30 Gold and 87,650.89 Ron from donation and taxes.

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۞ Money on Banca Nationala a Romaniei
Gold : 1538.50 - - - - - - - > [ - 3,953.40 Gold ]
RON : 695,550.87 - - - > [ + 284,077.85 RON ] [ Receive 349,997.00 Ron from Romania ]
NOK : 22,939.00 - - - - - - - > [ - 0.00 NOK ] [ Here ]
RUB : 4,018.00 - - - - - - - > [ - 0.00 RUB ] [ Here ]
SKK : 20,035.00 - - - - -- > [ - 0.00 SKK ] [ Here ]
USD : 0.01 - - - - - - - > [ - 5,914.99 USD ] [ Here ]
SEK : 0.00 - - - - - - > [ - 20,000.00 SEK ] [ Here , Here ]
HUF : 1.25 - - - - - - - > [ - 19,642.75 HUF ] [ Here , Here ]

* First of all the money from BNR : USD , SEK and HUF means in this condition : USD is 0.015 in exchange for Gold but I consider 0.01 and we have 59.15 Gold , SEK is 0.027 in exchange but I consider 0.02 meaning 400 Gold and not the last HUF is 0.02 in exchange but I consider 0.01 meaning 196.42 Gold. This money , almoust 600 Gold , was never explain after they was donated to BNR. This isen`t something happen now , happen somewhere in past .. but is a profit that need to be know or at least money that need to be consider.
* Second BNR receive 349,997.00 Ron from Romania in last 18 days and was having then 411,473.02 RON. This means on last 18 day`s BNR have a accumulated account in RON of 761,470.02 RON. From this money only 695,550.87 RON are currently in account meaning in last 18 days BNR consume 65,919.11 Ron
* Thierd BNR have on 21 December 2008 on its account 5491.90 Gold and now it only have 1538.50. The big difference - 3,953.40 Gold was spend probably on our war with Russia but if this is the truth ...we pay a lot for our new 5 regions.

======================================== ========

۞ Romanian Found Balance

Change on National Currency Fund - RON
21.12.2008 : Account : 710,981.64 RON [ On Romania 299,508.62 Ron and on BNR 411,473.02 Ron ]
09.01.2008 : Account : 727,713.38 RON [ On Romania 32,162.51 Ron and on BNR 695,550.87 Ron ]
Profit Register in this Period from Donations & Taxes : + 87,650.89 Ron [ Means 1,753 Gold ]
Difference Register in Currency Found : + 16,731.74 Ron [ Means 335 Gold ]
Approximate Sum of Ron we consume in this Period : 70,919.15 Ron [ Means 1,418 Gold ]

* Exchange rate : 1 Gold = 50,00 Ron

Change on Gold Fund
21.12.2008 : Account : 5536,56 Gold [ On Romania 44,66 Gold and on BNR 5491.90 Gold ]
09.01.2008 : Account : 1612,40 Gold [ On Romania 73.90 Gold and on BNR 1538.50 Gold ]
Profit Register in this Period from Donations & Capture : + 29,30 Gold
Difference Register in Currency Found : - 3,924.16 Gold
Approximate Sum of Ron we consume in this Period : 3,894.86 Gold

======================================== ========

۞ Economy Balance

Good Part
Income registered from 21.12 till now 09.01 = 29,30 Gold and 87,650.89 Ron
Approximate Income Per Day [ 18 Days ] : 1,62 Gold and 4,869.49 Ron [ Means almost 100 Gold per Day and the value is 4x from previous one , but is normal if we see how price explode on market and even if the taxes percentage are the same .. are much consistent ]

Bad Part
Difference in Ron : + 16,731.74 Ron [ Means 335 Gold ]
Difference in Gold : - 3,924.16 Gold
Approximate Real Difference : - 3,589.16 Gold
* A country can spend money on minus , is OK to spend from what you gain with other hand , but to gain with one hand and spend with two is bad for economy and for that country. More than 3500 Gold lose in last 18 days means a lot about the current stage of economy, and even if will see some explain regarding the cost of war remember this is the money we have in minus only , the expense from this period is much high.

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۞ Donation made by Romania All Time
○ Banca Nationala a Romaniei : 370,997.00 Ron [ Here , Here , Here , Here , Here , Here , Here ]
○ Crucea Rosie : 7000 Ron [ Here , Here ]
○ Biserica eRomana : 2000 RON [ Here ]
○ Fundatia Pro Romania - 1000 Ron [ Here ]

======================================== ========

۞ Technical Balance

Gross domestic product (GDP) : 2098.64 Gold →→→ [ ▲ 85.85 ]
Monthly exports : 596.63 Gold →→→ [ ▼ 82.68 ]
Monthly imports : 42.21 Gold →→→ [ ▲ 13.50 ]
Inflation : - 40,14 % →→→ [ ▲ 26,01 ]
Minimum Salary : 1,00 Ron →→→ [ ↔ ]
Average salary : 16,39 Ron →→→ [ ▲ 4,89 ]
Citizen Fee : 10 Ron →→→ [ ▲ 2 ]

☻ Note : Our GDP normalize a bit after he drop 1/3 from his value in previews study , currently it registrar after 3 month a small rise in value
After the last study incredible boom [ over 1000 % rise in exports and 1500 % drop on imports] currently we register a 10 % value drop of the value in export and a 50 % value rise on import. The values are still very outbalance but this small steep is good and our expectation rise a bit for next month. Currently we only gain 40 gold from imports and spend almost 600 on exports , meaning our market is very selective and with few competitors that make external managers to go around it and local managers to sell there product in external market. This lack of competitors on internal market is one of the factors from the exponential rise of product prize , because it allows local managers to sell several product on speculative price.

======================================== ========

1 Gold = 111.93 Ron →→→ [ ▲ 45.54 ]

1 RON = 0,91 USD →→→ [ ▼ 0,26 ]
1 RON = 0.76 SEK →→→ [ ▼ 0,02 ]
1 RON = 0.52 IDR →→→ [ ▼ 0,25 ]
1 RON = 0,47 ESP →→→ [ ▼ 0,04 ]
1 RON = 0,46 GBP →→→ [ ▼ 0,04 ]

* Romanian Currency - Ron , suffer from a serious process of denomination

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* Can`t trade with :
- Pakistan - Embargo [ Expires in 30 days ]
- Hungary - The country are in War
- Brazil - The country are in War
- Indonesia - The country are in War

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Comparative between 21.12.2008 till 09.01.2009

Income Tax : 5 %
Import Tax : 99 %
VAT : 10%
Lowest Price : 2,53 Ron →→→ [ ▲ 1,12 ] [ ▲ 79,40 % ]

Income Tax : 5 %
Import Tax : 25 % →→→ [ ▼ 74 ]
VAT : 1 % →→→ [ ▼ 9 ]
Lowest Price : 9,09 Ron →→→ [ ▼ 0,52 ] [ ▼ 5,41 % ]

Income Tax : 5 %
Import Tax : 99 %
VAT : 10%
Lowest Price : 3,85 Ron →→→ [ ▲ 1,17 ] [ ▲ 43,65 % ]

Income Tax : 5 %
Import Tax : 99 %
VAT : 10%
Lowest Price : 27,50 Ron →→→ [ ▲ 12,46 ] [ ▲ 82,84 % ]

Income Tax : 5 %
Import Tax : 99 %
VAT : 10%
Lowest Price : 231,84 Ron →→→ [ ▲ 22,00 ] [ ▲ 10,53 % ]

Income Tax : 5 %
Import Tax : 1 %
VAT : 1%

Income Tax – 5 %
Import Tax – 75 % →→→ [ ▼ 3 ]
Lowest Price : 0,84 Ron →→→ [ ▼ 0,47 ] [ ▼ 35,87 % ]

Income Tax – 50 %
Import Tax - 10 %
Lowest Price : 0,97 Ron →→→ [ ▲ 0,20 ] [ ▲ 25,97 %]

Income Tax – 5 %
Import Tax – 75 %
Lowest Price : 0,68 Ron →→→ [ ▼ 0,52 ] [ ▼ 43,33 % ]

Income Tax – 10 % →→→ [ ▼ 40 ]
Import Tax – 10 %
Lowest Price : 0,99 Ron →→→ [ ▼ 0,09 ] [ ▼ 8,33 % ]

Income Tax – 5 %
Import Tax – 10 %
Lowest Price : 1,54 Ron →→→ [ ▼ 0,56 ] [ ▼ 36,36 % ]