Romanian Diplomatic War

Day 404, 01:57 Published in Romania Romania by eliberator

I'm just an observer. I support any movement (political/military/economical) which is against the Great Powers -> Some people may say I'm an anarchist somehow, others could trust me that I'm a libertarian.

What has just happened in eRepublik in the last few days is the work of Secret Services of Romania.
It seems that in eRomania is living some intelligent/tricky people which were acting very smart and also united.

Why Romania was supporting Moscow Resistance War?
-> Romania could kill 2 bugs with one shot:
1. Norway was thinking that they will respect the Russian Contract where they help Russia to take their country back, and
2. Russia was thinking that Romania would help them to become independent country
- There has been some talks between Romania and Russia, in which they negotiated independence of Russia, against some Norway regions,
- and some 'other' talks between Romania and Norway, in which they negotiated some Russian regions against an untouched Norway.

Why Russia has completely fought against Norway? -> There could be a Romanian 'angel' in Mother Russia who sent a 'declaration of war' to Norway.
Why Norway thought that Russia is against them? -> because of their president who was fooled by the Romanian 'angel'.

Why Russia was alone? -> because they are too few. Sorry, but they were too few.

Romania has just 2 regions with high productivity and because the productivity formula for raw materials is based on this, Romania needed another 3 resources more to become a successful player in erepublik, as a nation.[to be rea😛 leaders of SS]

Romanian people were able to do anything for having high productivity regions, as Brazil already has from the beginning.
I think Romania does not need all the actual regions to become a successful economical country, but the erepublik map of resources show that Romania should start a war against anybody to take the advantage of the productivity formula 🙂. The Great Norway was the only country which has a lot of the resources and also a Romanian neighbor, because they conquered Russia long time ago.

So, I think that anyone who played any other strategy games and was inlove with history was also able to become a visionary of what will happen sooner or later.

The Romanian leaders of Secret Services has done a wonderful job. Romania will conquer all the needed regions, and because they are a strong country they will stop after this. They don't need 2 regions of high productivity / raw material to do negotiations with other countries. At least for now...

My conclusion is that Romania was doing a lot of diplomatic work before starting the real war.