Response to the agression of PEACE against eHungary

Day 656, 07:08 Published in Hungary Hungary by Shaok

Yesterday was a sad day in eHungary's history. We were attacked by our own allies.

The forces of PEACE did not respect the souvereignity of eHungary and joined the side of a radical anarchist group triggering a civil war. The aid was both in financial and military form.

Now you are waiting for a response according to the title, right? No, I won't say down with PEACE or something like that. I will accept and respect their policy regarding resistance wars and liberating regions. In fact I even want to help out in this, that's why I here officially announce the Liberation World Tour 2009.

Our goal is simply to liberate regions from their imperialist opressors. Even if they don't want it - we know better. Anyone is welcome to join our forces. That's a honorable goal worth fighting for - isn't it? We can be one day Belgians the other day Indians or South Africans and demand rightfully our territories just like eAustria did. Thank you for creating a precedence. The tour is starting in 1 day and we will start or join a resistance every 2-3 days to liberate opressed nations.

Free Belgium!
Free Switzerland!
Free Denmark!
Free India!
Free South Africa!
Free Russia!
Free Australia!
Free China!
Free North Korea!
Free Ukraine!
Free Tibet!