Q&A With the President

Day 494, 14:35 Published in USA USA by DylanB

Yesterday - Day 493 - I had the honor of being able to interview our current president - Scrabman. I was delighted when I found full responses to all of my questions that I sent to him. Below are the questions I asked, and the responses - Word for Word - No editing has occured except for minor formatting changes.

Q) I am pleased to see you taking action and placing a Q5 hospital in New Jersey. Keeping our population away from a strong concentration in Florida was a very smart move on your part. I am just curious as to whether or not plans for a more spread out population are currently being developed? If so, where are you planning to build more hospitals?

A) Right now there is talk about putting a Q5 hospital in California as well ... but I don't know when it will get built and I really don't want to see us get jerked around again. New Jersey was selected by Congress while I was in Congress so I can only take a little bit of credit for that ... the credit of a Congressman from WV ... one of many. As far as spreading the population out ... there isn't a real need for that at this point. If we were to be attacked that would change. For now people just life where they want to live. Freedom baby.

Q) There has been an extensive push for a union between Canada and the US. I, myself, am one advocate for this. How does this idea sit in your head, and do you think if we did this anything in our country would actually improve?

A) I think that a merge with Canada would be a bad idea. A large part of eRep is on national and local identity. For instance. Uncle Sam was talking about trading states with Mexico in order to do Resistance Wars perpetually like Indo does with Pakistan (they train up every day that way). But people threw such a fit he had to back away. I don't think that's a bad idea but it's hard to get people to see game mechanics and separate them from RL interests. Thus, I think a merger is doomed to fail and would never get past the idea of losing your national identity. I wouldn't like it either.

Q) Our military has started to rapidly crumble, and we are paying the price for it. What course of action are you planning to undergo to attempt to build up our military effectiveness and size?

A) I wouldn't say our military is crumbling. They are just less visible than they were when I was a Platoon Leader. I'm now a Major in the Army, as well as being Commander-in-Chief, but it's not like I control the military. It really does exist as its own thing and it isn't an in-game concept anyway. However, I would like to see us spending far less on tanks and letting soldiers have more fun by funding them to travel to wars overseas and to subsidize their costs in fighting. I don't know that we need to buy them weapons but there are lots of ways to make it easier and more fun to fight for those who would benefit most from training up.

Q) Who and/or What would you say is to blame for the extreme economic downfall we have encountered? If you feel you can pinpoint a culprit or two, what can we do as citizens to fix this problem?

A) Franco dispersing our treasury for one and all of our money going to tanks during Sam's Presidency. The thing I'm doing to fix this problem is making Congress take back its role of being responsible for earmarking spending. Up to this point the Congress would take money out of the Treasury and dump it into an OR controlled by the President where it would sit as a big salt lick that everyone could keep coming to when they wanted. My plan has Congress pulling that money out into a Congressional OR where they will then have powers to decide (without a lengthy 24 hour in-game vote that can be filibustered by another proposal) who gets the money and for what purpose. I think it will make us more fiscally responsible. Some of the military types have been worried that our military spending will be an open book. Not true. We now have a Select Committee on Intelligence that the Military and President can present their war budget to and then they can tell Congress how much money we need without getting too specific till later ... if at all. That way Congress is still involved in the decision. Lastly, this is a great way to use the new Quorum Voting System that ProggyPop came up with for out-of-game voting

Q) Indonesia, the eWorlds largest superpower, is always a concern in everyones mind, even if it isn't at the forefront. What do you feel we need to do as a country to start chipping away at their power? Does Indonesia even concern you? What do you believe are the chances that they could ever be contained?

A) Indonesia doesn't much concern me. They never really seem to care what we are doing but I would like to see them give up some of their territory. There isn't much that we can do about that now but I think it is disappointing to RL Russian, Chinese, or Australian people who come in and find that they don't really have a country because of how some folks play the game. The only way to chip away at their power is to work on getting power of our own. That just takes time and good planning. Not haphazardly starting war because it's fun.

Q) What is your stance on our current skirmish with Mexico? Also, how do you feel about Portugal holding some of Mexico's territories? Does it worry you that they could possibly start moving in from our south?

A) I don't think Portugal is interested in invading the US. As for how I feel about Portugal occupying part of Mexico. Well, someone asked me the question when I first took this office of President about what I was going to do to get our Mexico territories back. I responded that they really weren't ours and that the reason for going in originally was stated that we were going to liberate them for Mexico who had a takeover happen. Then Sam got all jazzed up and decided to go for conquering Mexico and played right into the hands of Portugal by opening up 3 additional battles that the Military had advised against (DessertFalcon recently wrote a very good article about this).

So we are to blame for why Portugal is there. If Mexico wants them out they can ask for our assistance. Right now we are negotiating War Games with Mexico and I signed a Treaty yesterday that will allow us to have structured war games enforceable by contract so we don't do what Sam did and just attack them and hope they will trust us. I don't know when it will get started but the Treaty is posted in-game if you want to look it up.

There you have it. The interview with our current President, Scrabman.

I can't say that I totally disagree and dislike his plans. I think they are amazing and well thought out, and I do think that these plans could help us turn our country around, and start functioning the way we know it can.

All in all, Scrabman can expect my vote for the next Presidential Elections.