Perfect time to invest in Japan

Day 418, 03:28 Published in Indonesia Japan by anarki

Hello Indonesia,

I come to you with a splendid business offer.
Japan's market needs gifts, and apparently Indonesia has plenty to go around. I urge you to supply the Japanese with gifts, and I will tell you why NOW is the perfect time to do so:

-We have recently lowered the import taxes on gifts by half. This was done to encourage foreign companies to supply gifts to Japan.

-The Japanese Yen (jpy) is slowly rising in value. While last week 1 gold was still 300 jpy, this week it is already 167 jpy. This means that the jpy you will earn will slowly become more valuable. I expect it to reach 110 jpy somewhere this month. This is almost a 50% profit, just from the market alone!

- The Japanese gift market does not have a lot in it and is often just empty, which means that your gifts will probably sell really fast! A decent price for gifts would be 4-5 jpy for a Q1, and 10-11 jpy for Q2.

In conclusion, my dear Indonesian investors, now is the perfect time to invest in the Japanese market, I guarantee that it will make you a lot of money.

Kind Regards,
