Paratrooper Battalion

Day 351, 02:50 Published in South Africa Belgium by Independence Media SO

OK, first off, the links to each article dealing with paratroopers:

Kiwifire1's Article
Brendan's Article

Now, more thoughts:

1) Anyone with interest in joining the paratrooper battalion, please reply here with the following application (open to edits)

I, , do hereby apply to join the Paratrooper Battalion and pledge to serve eSouth Africa to the best of my ability as an elite soldier of my nation for the defence of it and its interests as ordered by my superiors, be they the President, Congress, Battalion Commanders, Company Commanders, or Platoon Commanders. I agree not to be a mercenary and to obey all paratrooper rules and regulation. I pledge to serve my nation to the best of my ability, serve with honour, integrity, and loyalty, and fight alongside my comrades and friends; God help me if I should ever default on these pledges.

2) We really need to open better moving ticket companies and put the pedal on high-quality weapons production. I think that we should also make a requirement that paratroopers have, at the least, Q2 weapons, if not Q3 or higher.

That be all, folks.