Open letter to the citizens of the Czech Republic

Day 824, 02:59 Published in Hungary Hungary by montaigne

Dear Citizens of Czech Republic!

I am writing to you in the Hungarian media, since contrary to the will of the Hungarian and Czech people, Southern Bohemia is still not liberated, thus your country still has not regained at least a partial independency. Yes, it was clear to anyone who was watching the battle, that Hungarian civilians and paramilitary units were fighting in that battle in order to give back the territory to the Czech Republic.

But it is an interesting question how did we get here?

According to the analysts, two countries of the EDEN alliance, wanted to make a tiny path between Zagreb and Warsaw.

The path was made for getting Croatia to the promise land.

It was planned to be used by:




In order to build up the path, unfortunatelly the land needed to be cleaned before:



Although there wasn’t any close diplomatic relationship between the Czech Republic and Hungary, we found it as our „noblesse oblige” to give a helping hand both to Austria and to the Czech Republic, since both countries were attacked by disconsidering their wishes to stay neutral. Since the Hungarian Army had nothing else to do at the moment, we sent away both the Polish and the Croat army and asked them not to harass neutral countries ever again.

So as of today the planned Zagreb-Warsaw highway is blocked.

Hungary decided that the conquered territory must be returned to their rightful owners, the Czech Republic. And Yes, we were right to do it in a hurry, since Croatia attacked Southern Bohemia in a desperate last effort to gain control of the region, but they were few seconds too late. Unfortunatelly Hungary cannot help Czech Republic to regain the other 2 territories, since our diplomats have signed a NAP with Slovakia. Our word obliges us, even though we are unpleased to see how our good intentions were abused.

But being occupied by Slovakia may generate one great benefit for Czech Republik A HUGE BABY BOOM. Just make a screenshot with your current map and publish an article in the Czech electronic media. Here are some ideas what sort of cover story you could use in the media!

„HELP! Most of our country has been occupied by Slovakia and their tanks are marching through the Vaclavske Namesty! To make bad things worse: randomly selected innocent citizens of Brno, Praha and Ostrava have been forced to eat bryndzové halusky in front of the TV cameras. Citizens of Plzen luckily escaped, since Hungary has absolutelly no intention to keep this territory, but to return it to the Czech Republik. Sign-up today on, find out more details and and fight for our freedom! Long live free Czech Republic!”

Good luck!


Magyar olvasók részére: Hiába nyertük meg a tegnapi Southern Bohemiai csatát, a terület a nyakunkon maradt, Csehország még mindig nem létezik. Ezért a cseh olvasók részére itt írok cikket. Később meg Szlovákiában is lesz egy kis cikk.

I wish to quote the words of one of the biggest Hungarian fighters, lgabor72 in his ARTICLE about the options of the Czech Republic:

"If they wish to survive, they may propose an MPP with us, Russia or Serbia.
If they wish to become a tolerated minority (later to be subject to RW and Polish TO), it is their free choice. We did what we could."


-Slovakia had 40 congress seats. Czech Republic had 20 congress seats if I recall right. The united country would also have 40 congrss seats, thus 20 medals and 100 related Gold will be lost every month.
-2 countries have 2 presidents. 1 Country has 1 president. One medal and related Golds less.
-All the money kept in CZK will be waisted
-The territorries of former Czech Republic will be primary targets for TO and the could also be attacked without any consequences, since they are not original Slovak territorries.
-Czech territorries cannot be protected with MPP-s, they are easy targets for anyone who shows interest.
-The united country will be still small compared to all her neighbours, excepting for Austria.