Open letter to the Admins, World changing bug(dont think we are angry)!

Day 426, 08:53 Published in USA Israel by Sadeh Badeh

First of all i would like to say that i dont blame you guys(Admins) since we are all humans and mistakes can happen to anyone.

When we discovered at the IRC's about it i tought about solution, and waited to see you guys will do.

Well i know it will be hard mentaly for all of us to RESET the game since we put afford in it,
But just think about the fact that:

EACH home,weapon,food,company,Rank,War,countr y, was might gained with cheat, and shouldnt be the way it is now.

As far as i know you guys cant REALLY follow one by one what was gained with the cheat or not,
You can see only the reall major stuff, but well, thats not enough.

If we will continue playing the game as it is now, A lot of people will be unhappy, and lose any wish to play, since others that knew the Exploit and used it had UNFAIR advantage and changed the course of the eWorld, yeah they might not took 10,000 gold, but even 100 or 300 gold are enough for one man to bring change.

We cant say if it happened or not, but people declared that they knew this Exploit for months, maybe even before V1, i cant tell.

For those saying the people who bought gold will complain if they reset, well U ARE WRONG.

Think that some people bought gold worth 100$ and some others got 10 times that gold with the exploit for 0$ !!!!! How would they feel that thier money invested here was for nothing???


Is the BEST solution, its the right solution, and you cant say im not right.

If this exploit wasnt existed, We were might witness today other eWorld.

Reset the game, let us start the game and play it as it should have been, let us play in the real eWorld when we can all enjoy the same opportunity !!!!!!!!!