
Day 314, 15:02 Published in Romania Romania by Marius Ovidius
Legamintul tacerii.
Va aduceti aminte de cel trei maimute? Una isi acopera ochii, una gura, una urechile.
Nu am vazut, nu am zis, nu am auzit.

Asa si in eRepublik-ul nostru. Cei citiva care stiu ce vor nu vorbesc cu ceilalti, pt ca oricum plebea nu conteaza.

Totu incepe din economic. Aici e Nevoia cea mai mare, cea de suprevietuire, si aici este si decalajul cel mai mare.
Dincolo de salbaticia sistemului si de inegalitatea sociala, s-a format o elita, care incepe sa se coaguleze. Ei sunt cei ce vor conduce eRepublik.

Spuneam altundeva [a url=]Plus Valoare si Salariu[/a] ca 75% din Plus Valoare se datoreaza angajatilor si doar 25% angajatorilor, cu toate astea angajatii nu primesc mai mult de 20% din cistig. In timp, astfel, unii aduna avere sau, mai frumos spus, capital.

Acesta este necesar si in politica, evident. Pentru a infiinta un partid, pentru a putea candida ai nevoia de capital. Fie il cheltui pentru finantarea partidului ca atare fie pentru membri activi (ca sa nu spun activisti).
Pe acestia din urma ii poti sponsoriza, angaja, etc.

Elita conducatoare este cea care nu mai tine cont de nationalitate (pot fi eromani, eunguri, eorice natie), tine doar de pozitia sociala si de influenta pe care o pot avea (in definitiv ii suspectez ca sunt chiar amici sau amabili intre ei).

Vow of Silence.
Do you remember the three monkeys? One covers his eyes, another his mouth, another his ears. Did’t saw, didn’t said, I do not have hear.

So in our eRepublik. Those few who know what they did not talk to others, for that anyway plebi do not count. Everything from the economy.

This is the greatest need, the suviving, and here is the big gap. Beyond the wilderness system and social inequality, has formed an elite, which begins to clot. They are the ones that will lead eRepublik.

I say elsewhere that 75% of the added value is due to employees and only 25% of employers, with all employees receive no more than 20% of the win. In the meantime, therefore, add some fortune or, more beautiful said capital.

This is necessary in politics, obviously. To set up a party, to run you need capital. Whether you spend to finance the party itself to be active members (not to say activists).

Is the leading elite that no longer takes into account the nationality (may be eromani, eunguri, eany nation), important is only social position and influence that can have (in the final I suspect they are friends or even kind to each other).