Oh God Not Now

Day 911, 18:51 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton
A few months back, I talked about national unity. I specifically mentioned the stress between the politicos and the military. I hate being right in this respect. It sickens me that this problem has not been resolved and instead has been allowed to keep inflating, because nobody wanted to touch it in fear that it would pop. Well, it popped. It's sickening, and I am truly upset at both parties. The politicos failed to try and fix the problem, so now it bites us at a very in opportune time. On the other hand, the military has clearly over stepped it's bounds.

Now I have a profound respect for the Military. I've been in the Airborne and I know how passionate they are, and how well they can do their job. But the diplomacy has to be left to the diplomats. Why?

Because the President of the United States is America for his term. He gets elected by the majority, based off promises. Because of that, and the Game Mechanics of this game, he is in charge period. The JCS are very good advisors and organizers, they do not set policy nor are they the final arbiters of where we attack and defend. If they do such, they have over stepped their bounds. The Military has become the thing that it hates. It's playing politico. I mean no disrespect when I say that, I love the military and will always respect it. It plays a vital role. But by game mechanics they cannot choose where to fight. Only the President can. That is a simple fact of the game, you cannot change it. The fact that they tried is appalling, and this needs to be fixed.

We need order in the Court. By God, did we all forget about Serbia? WE JUST DECLARED WAR ON THEM! This is the worst timing, but no use crying over spilled milk. We have to deal with this problem. The JCS of staff needs to return to it's role of Advising and organizing, because that is what it does best. The tail cannot wag the dog.

To the common soldier and common congressman: This is not your fault. This isn't even necessarily your battle. And yes it is a battle at this point.

On one side of the battle is the constitution, Harrison Richardson, Krems, Choc, Emerick and many others. On the other side is the JCS.

This is unacceptable and must stop. We must reconcile.

JCS I beg you to come home, and I beg the politicians to let them.
Who so ever trolls the other side in this matter only hurts America by making it harder to reconcile, and reconcile we must.
Our very life depends on it.

Phoenix is watching.

-Joe Newton,
Adviser to the President, Director of the OPO

"Forgiveness is the release of all hope for a better past."