North-America animated map -> UPDATE

Day 605, 10:02 Published in Indonesia Serbia by daniferi

Day 606 update can be found here:

Dear friends,

In last few days there was some great battle for Canada and USA.
I made an animated map to follow the changes.

Short History:
Day 602 Time 11:20 Nova Scotia was conquered by France.
Day 603 Time 11:30 Prince Edward Islands was conquered by France.
Day 604 Time 14:50 Nova Scotia was conquered by United Kingdom.
Day 605 Time 07:11 Alaska was conquered by Russia.
Day 605 Time 09:20 Newfoundland and Labrador was conquered by France.

Russia attacked Washington, USA on Day 605 Time 07:30
France attacked Nunavut, Canada on Day 605 Time 09:20

Current map on Day 605 Time 09:30 (click on it to see in large):

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