NHS Notices - Find Your Clinic

Day 421, 07:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Health Service

The following are issues that are affecting the NHS right now, and which could be affecting the service given to you. Please take note.

Friends List Bug
This bug has is still plaguing the NHS Regional Clinics (thank you admins). The friends list bug is a bug which prevents directors from seeing their full friends list, meaning that they can only see those on the first page. If you have not been recieving gifting that may be why.
If you have not done so already, please PM your clinic saying that you need gifting and what your wellness level is, so that the director knows who to gift.

Northern Ireland Clinic
Northern Ireland Clinic is still in need of a new director. If you wish to do the job, which pays 50GBP per month, please contact JerryGFL. Note that you must be registered on the eUK forums at http://forums.erepublik.co.uk before you apply.

Active Citizens
It has come to our attention that some active citizens in game are taking advantage of the NHS. We appreciate that some people may be fired from their jobs or may resign from the company that they work at, and we hope that they find a new job. What is not acceptable is the practice of quitting your job and relying solely on the NHS to maintain your wellness.
May I make it clear that unless you pay taxes to the government, you should not be eligible for the full range of government services. As such, I shall discuss with the regional directors the best policy to take, and it is likely that if you chose to take advantage, you will lose your right to free gifting.

Local Clinics
Here is the complete list of local clinics, in no particular order:

1. Scotland Clinic
2. East Midlands Clinic
3. East Of England Clinic
4. London Clinic
5. North East Clinic
6. Northern Ireland Clinic
7. South East Clinic
8. South West Clinic
9. Wales Clinic
10. West Midlands Clinic
11. Yorkshire and Humberside Clinic

GM Gifting Scheme
The gM gifting scheme is now in operation. This scheme enables GMs to apply for NHS funds touse for gifting their employees. For more information on the GM gifting scheme please contact Palodigon.

Note About Brussels Capital Region
If you are looking for a clinic in Brussels Capital Region, please contact the Belgian Local Government. They may or may not be operating a gifting scheme right now, but please check with them first.

I apologise if any of the links are not working, or if any of the formatiing looks wrong, that is eRepublik, and not me. Thank you for reading.

Wazcaster, Apprentice Health Minister