New Congressional Proposals

Day 405, 10:20 Published in USA USA by Daks

Before I begin I would like to mention that zigon1 has resigned as congressman of Nevada and has left the country. Why? Well ask him. Or read for yourself.

Today there where 2 new law proposals.

New Citizen Fee
Proposed by zigon1
Result - Vote😛 No
Citizen fee change from 5 USD to 9 USD

1.) This money comes from the government, so it's not like it's printing new money.
2.) The government gets it's money from you, so this is a tax. If we rasie it, it will take away much need funds for the war, hospitals and defense systems.
3.) The fee is right were it should be.

Tax Change: Grain
Proposed by Greystrand
Result - Vote😛 Yes
Current Tax: VAT - 0% Import - 99% Income - 10%
Propsed Tax: VAT - 0% Import - 25% Income - 10%

*Note Raw Materials do not have VAT. That's why they are at 0. before you do so.
If you'd like to read the Grain Tax disscusion.

1.) "I would encourage anyone who is fearful that this move will drown our companies in foreign grain to take a look at the American wood market.You will find little or no serious foreign wood. " - Greystrand from eUSA forums
2.) "Even if lowering the tariff to 25% won't change business during normal operation it could act as a safety valve just in case grain production dropped off suddenly, causing grain price spikes." - Greystrand from eUSA forums
3.) "Would you buy an export license into a market with a 99% import tax?" - Leroy Combs from the eUSA forums

They have good points.

My points:

1.) Import tax that high will not affect domestic companies in the long run.
2.) Lower import tax usually means better buy for the consumer.
3.) Prices will not go up due to this tax change. They will probabbly go lower. How much? We'll have to wait and see.

Number 175 Wohooo!