Goodbye Party Night. Pollo, krv i cas succeed. 3 New Party Bosses appear

Day 846, 11:18 Published in Czech Republic Turkey by Mossad

Old owners keep 2 Parties whilst PTO succeeds in 3 others. Mr. Pollo, krv i cas secure their majority. I am calling new party leaders to PM me to get a round table meeting appointed for around midday Day 847.

Congratz to: Collin Hugh, rafo1 and Sloven Maria. (Two new party leaders are Hungarian (prove me wrong) and one is Croat).

Country population 534 citizens. 🙂


Dear Czechs and International Community,

Today we have 432 citizens in the country. Population growth is 178 people or 70% in 10 days.

We have 5 parties in the country all created in last 15 days (after Polish invasion we did not have political system and there was no country on the congress elections day which means we are giving free c'ships).

Five parties are:

Socialist Party - Status FIGHTING PTO
Socialist Party is, as the name says, Socialist. The great bunch of people that were fighting for Czech Republic are there. They have their own economic ideas, communes, brigades. They make the game fun. And they have my respect.

Socialists are under hit of Serbian PTO group supporting their candidate vuk sa vucijaka who is gaining 29 votes vs. official candidate Mr.Pollo is 3 votes behind him with just 26 votes.

Jsem eCzech - Status OK, average PTO Alert
JeCZ was made of the Libertarians that were not classified, most of the people who created it spent at least last 5-6 months in Czech Republic and we have some (not many) RL Czechs in the Party.

Michal Malkovsky, one of such Czechs, is leading now. His rival is Nolle and Nolle is 9 votes behind Michal so JeCZ most probaby has low risk of being PTOed.

Resistance Party - Status LOST TO PTO

Used to be the eCzech Oldie-Goldie Party that engages the best names of the unfinished Polish-Czech war Resistance Party is falling under double strike of different PTO groups.

Official candidate MuratX, the Czech senior, is far behind the leading two: Serbian Radovanovic Petar and probably Hungarian Sloven Maria

Any support to Resistance Party official candidates is not useful now.

No Party - Status OK

The solid Serbian community party with their official candidate krv i cas easily winning 22 vs. 2 at the closest rival. The Nebeski Ratnizi battalion has 7-8 members that can go to another party and help PTO prevention. This Serbian military-political group is very organized and will be claiming more power during the upcoming Congressionals.

Pravo & Spravedlnost - Status LOST TO PTO

Once created by Stefek Betoniara - the Polish expatriate settled in Czech Republic the party was the easiest target and was invaded by Croat PTO group just before the elections. Stefek is losing 2-20 to their candidate Rafo1. So we have to admit with regrets that official candidates lost to PTO.

Once gaining control over Pravo & Spravedlnost Croats will get access to the Presidential elections and will be able to try pay Serbs for Denmark fail. Strengthening of Croats may also be an advantage for the Polish-Croat cause to destroy Czech Republic, join borders and merge into European dominance.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

So my personal position at the moment is that we need to help Socialist Party to fight PTO and Jsem eCzech to keep the gap with the rival.

I will keep you guys updated and ask No Party specifically to vote for Socialist official candidate Mr.Pollo

Important notice:

By asking for people's vote I do not limit the right of the other groups to PTO and having fun in the game. There is no such thing that you guys are worse that whoever we call official.

The point is we need a comfortable political situation where all parties share the common idea of having Czech Republic independent and back on map. Whereas we have this comfort with official Party Bosses and the official candidates it may take us some time to adapt newcomers to the cause.

Thank you for reading this long text.