January 2008: 313 Revoultion?

Day 419, 03:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Empire Corporation
January: 313 Revolution?

Gather round citizens of the eUnited Kingdom. Old Final Destiny is going to tell you another tale of History. On the anniversary of the 313 invasion of Erepublik (Of which I was part of back in the day. So this my have a teeny bit of bias.) January is an important month that built up to arguably the most significant election in eUK History. So get ready to learn about January 2008.

The month started as usual with an Election. The background to this Election can be found in my previous article. Unfortunately written in BETA so the formatting and some sources due to the great fires of V1 have been destroyed. Anyway the election saw Kaleb and his UK Reform party come to power and Big Duncan Ferguson and UK Action abandoned Erepublik bar a few such as Mike Rahl whom became Party President soon after the elections.

The Right Party I believe was founded this month though due to Press Releases being burnt in the flames of the V1 fires I can’t confirm this. I do know however it was JosephByrne who founded it. Due to Internet troubles though he lost his seat to jamesthecool in the Party Elections. However this month will not be remembered for the founding of this small party (Though TRP did play a important role in the next elections. I’m not discounting that.) This months main event was the 313 invasion of the United Kingdom.

First of all before going into the details of what 313 did. It is important to know what 313 actually is. 313 is the United Kingdom board on Gamefaqs. It’s the place I got my invite from to the Erepublik BETA. 313 was a mixed group of people. You had hoards calling for a “Drunken Tomorrow and War with France” (If only ATLANTIS and the War module came about a little sooner ay?). There was a more moderate wing of the 313ers that still serve the eUK today. It’s important not to forget that before demonising a whole group in eUK History.

313 came into Erepublik very early in the month and formed The Peoples Front of 313 led by Cubezilla. The formation of this party and the more extreme members vocal calls for war began a inevitable clash with the UK Reform party. On January the 13th the UK President Kaleb wrote a Press Release entitled “313 plans for Apartheid UK Exposed!” this statement made by the President was met with outrage by even the most moderate wing of The Peoples Front. With high profile figures like Paul Hudson (Though he joined the UK Reform party he still had 313 roots.), Zuku_Zulu and AdamLazaruso said this move was a attempt to tar a whole community with one brush.

Despite the unrest in the United Kingdom. President Kaleb had set about implementing his policies promised in the December Campaign. Setting up the National Health Service and continuing to work on his private bank 1st Commercial. I wish I could list them all but once again Press Releases (Of which Kaleb hugely relied on.) Have disappeared from Erepublik making sources of his Presidency hard to come by.

Foreign policy was also well on the way with the first Northern Alliance was formed. This alliance contained the nations of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway, Finland and Russia. It was supposed to be the Alliance to defend Northern Europe from the Swedish giant. A funny thing International diplomacy isn’t it? Anyway more on that in next months article. This was the first real attempt at an Alliance in Erepublik to my knowledge.

Back in the United Kingdom disaster struck The Peoples Front of 313. When Cubezilla decided to quit the game abruptly. Leaving 313 in disarray. Though 5 days before the Local Elections 94asm rallied the 313ers and formed a N.E.W party (And FD had a field day with puns.) Now El313ct Winners was to take a more serious approach to the game. The party became more organised and well managed. Fielding candidates in all regions in local elections. A rare occurrence in early eUK History.

Local Elections in January looked like this:

London: Dumathe Hunter (UK Reform)
Belfast: Final Destiny (Now El313ct Winners)
Birmingham: Jonathan (Now El313ct Winners)
Bristol: AdamLazaruso (Now El313ct Winners)
Cardiff: Robert Edwards (Now El313ct Winners)
Edinburgh: Chloroform (Now El313ct Winners)
Leeds: byjimini (UK Reform)
Liverpool: Paul Hudson (UK Reform)
Newcastle: Pali Hosokawa (UK Reform)
Norwich: Bandit 2794 (The Right Party)
Nottingham: Jaehlst (Now El313ct Winners)
Oxfor😛 Zuku_Zulu (Now El313ct Winners)

N.E.W: 7 Mayors
UKRP: 4 Mayors
TRP: 1 Mayor

In terms of number of Mayors N.E.W had crushed UKRP. Even 2 of UKRP’s Mayors came from 313 (Paul and Pali). The real surprise was how strong The Right Party was in Norwich as both UKRP and N.E.W had been thoroughly beaten by TRP Candidate Bandit. Despite now it looks on paper though the UK Reform party had a stronghold in London crushing N.E.W in the capital. I wish I recorded the total number of votes back then but I didn’t.

The N.E.W Mayors were asked by Kaleb to petition for Hospitals. Most of them tried (Including myself and I feel Belfast was robbed. *Shakes fist at Dennis😉. I started the very first local gifting scheme and welcoming new citizens to Belfast increasing activity in Northern Ireland. While Zuku and Adam looked to mimic these schemes in Oxford and Bristol. This Local Election saw the rise of the more moderate of the 313ers and showed at least a few of us have the UK’s interests at heart.

The showing in Local Elections did not stop the heated campaigning and mud slinging (And in some cases cheating) on both sides though. With elections fastly approaching both UKRP and N.E.W looked at other smaller parties for support. With UKRP winning the support of TRP and N.E.W gaining the endorsement of the now very much weakened UK Action Party. The February Election show down was about to begin….