Issue 61: Malta_1990 Running for TUP PP (January)

Day 418, 11:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by malta_1990
Its that time of the month again. PP elections are upon us once again and I shall be running once again. I will not go on a rant about all the work I have done in the past, both for TUP and for our e-country, and I'll let the work speak for itself, as my actions will speak louder than my written words. As the PP elections have come around, I see it only just that I publish a manifesto and my plan to shape the party. With this, I aim to provide us with the necessary structures to promote discussion within the TUP to enhance our membership base and help it become more active.

A Party Mentoring Scheme
This began a couple of times, but despite the interest expressed, it did not last long. Nurturing new citizens is the key to build up this great nation, and this will be my top priority. I will make sure that our experienced members will become Mentors for our new members. Every time a new member signs up to TUP, they will be assigned a Mentor. All Mentors will be part of a "Mentoring Committee" (MC) which will discuss any problems which arise and require consultation with the PP and Party Leadership.

Party Code of Conduct
We are a democratic party above all else. Once elected, I will enter into discussions with all the party members to draw up a Code of Conduct for the TUP leadership. Each TUP member of any Party Committee, Congress, Lords or TUP Council will be required to sign this Code of Conduct, to ensure we stick to our principles and put our country's citizens first.

Making the TUP Council work
I aim to build on the current structure of the TUP Council by delegating specific roles to party members both in and out of congress, who will discuss the major debates in party policy, so that our electoral manifestos could have a broader representation of what the party stands for. All Party Members will be able to be present and express their own opinions. These discussions will be followed by a vote open for all party members, so that you, our loyal party members will decide on the route our party takes. Should I get elected, the TUP Council will include the following roles (besides PP), which all members will be allowed to be nominated for. These are:
- Vice President
- Secretary General
- Treasurer
- Spokespersons
- Head of Mentoring Committee
- Head of Wiki Editing Committee

Each role will have a period of two days for nominations followed by one day for voting. One of each of the members of each committee will be voted as Head. Spokespersons will be picked by the TUP Council, then approved through a vote by party members.

National Elections & the TUP
As we now have the necessary structure for selecting a CP candidate and as it is democratic, I will make no changes to this format which involves a thorough discussion and a vote. For Congress elections, each prospective candidate will be subject to sending a PM to the PP explaining his role in the eUK, his experience, his enthusiasm and most of all, why they are interested in the role of Congressman. Each prospective candidate will be required to sign the Congressional Code of Conduct to ensure that procedure if followed should they be elected to the HoC. When the final list of candidates is drawn up, party members will then vote on whether they agree of disagree with the list.

Policies & Party Wiki Page
Over the past few months, many newer members were confused regarding our policies due to them not being properly outlined in the party wiki page. I pledge that I will help our party wiki editors to re-assemble and help us outline our main policies on the wiki page which is often the first port of call for citizens looking to join a political party for the first time. The editors will work hand in hand with the TUP Council to relay our mission for the eUK on the wiki page and ensure that it is kept up to date. Anyone can join and the Wiki editors will have their own committee. Due to some PC problems I had, I was unfortunately unable to get this going in the party, but in recent days, I have made a call to gather our wiki editors and coordinate our editing.

TUP Whip with a twist
Should I get elected, I will introduce the role of Whip for TUP in the HoC, but rather than dictating how Congressmen should vote (as they are all free individuals), he/she would ensure that we have all (or most of us) been part of the discussions as we are the ones who the voting public have entrusted with a majority in our legislative body. This role will make sure that all TUP members who are elected to congress are actively involved in debates and votes.

I Thank You all for reading this and I hope that if you agree with my plans, you will vote for me. I also ask that you judge each candidate based on their plans, their experience and what they have done for the party.