Issue 4: Interview with Stan Wephen (19/01/09)

Day 426, 13:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Del Fuego


This areticle was due to be published ages back but due to problems, I have only been able to post it now. Here is an Interview with long runing PP of PCP Stan Wephen and his views on the eUK

'PCP - The People's Communist Party is in my view the most experienced yet most active party in the eUK. Sure, it might not be as large as UKRP, nor as robust as MDU, but we combine size, innovation and the raw determination to get things done.
eUK - I'm proud to be part of the eUK. Why? Not because we're economically strong, which we are. Not because we're powerful in terms of our military, thanks to our brilliant reforms within the army. Not because internationally we're well respected. It's because of the community the eUK has, on the forum and off, which has in turn spawned the most active and comprehensive government in the eWorld.' (Stan Wephen)

Del Fuego: Hello Stan and thanks for the interview. I liked the above paragraph and I think it sums PCP up quite nicely. Firstly though, what is your opinion of the eUK?

Stan: The eUK is the most organised country in the world, and is really great to be a part of.

Del Feugo: If you had the chance, would you be the PM for the eUK?

Stan: Well, a lot of people have been telling me to run for PM, but I currently have no ambition for the top job - I've seen the Presidency destroy greater men than I. I'm quite happy to help behind the scenes for now. Perhaps oneday, I will. But not for a long time.

Del Fuego: What is the way forward for the eUK?

Stan: The way forward for the eUK is through taking advantage of the fairly high population we have - the 4th biggest in the eWorld. Our future relies on Education and Informing the people about our great country, and creating a new generation of active citizens willing to take a part in the eUK.

Del Fuego: What would you like to see change in the eUK?

Stan: If I could change one thing about the eUK, it'd be the activity rate of the country. There are loads of people, but so few on them on the fourm or taking an active interest in what's happening around them. I'd like to change that.

Del Fuego: Thanks for your time Stan and a wonderful interview.

I would just like to say, if you are new or unsure about eRepublik, that Stan is the man to contact. He helped me into this game and now I rekon I am doing my part for the eUK.

I look forward to listening to comments from you, the citizens of eUK, on this interview. I am desperatly looking for the public to star in my paper. Make your voice heard!

I am still accepting adverts for companies in this paper for a negotiable fee. Just PM Del Fuego

Thank you for your time.

Del Fuego (special thanks to the MoE Stan Wephen)