Interview with Max McFarland2

Day 1,018, 16:10 Published in Serbia Serbia by 1312

Hello boys and girls today i will show you interview with one of most awesome guys in Erepublik 😛

Let's start...

1. What is your RL name? 🙂

I prefer keeping my RL information separate from my in-game information. So, I like to keep my RL name to myself. Sorry. 🙂

2. how old are you? in RL 🙂

Well... if you check any of my forum profiles, they say 28 now, since I said 25 when I started playing eRepublik in February 2008. I checked the demographics after playing for a bit, and felt really out of place, being older than most of the players. I'm actually 48 now. 😛
I started playing in February 2008, with a different citizen account that got banned and died a longtime ago. A friend asked me to sign up, to vote for Korbin King in the Mayor election, for Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA.
I joined so I could help him get his guy elected, not thinking I would find the game interesting. I was wrong. I found the game very interesting, but didn't stay in the eUSA for even a month. I travelled for a long time before going back there. 🙂

3. how much time do you spent on erepublik? daily :🙂

It varies. Playing this game for too long, we lose track of things that are important in RL. This is one reason why sometimes I stop playing for weeks or months, and maybe come back with the same citizen, or with a new one.
Right now, only a few hours each evening. For most of May - July, I was leading a project at work that kept me there for long hours, around 12-15 each day.
Now that I finished that, I have more free time for a while, so I spend more time here again. I guess I spend like 4 hours a day here now, in the game itself and on IRC & forums.'m usually here from 1800-2200, since my time zone in RL matches the current eRep time. 🙂

4. Many players dont like v2, do you like it?

Not really. I liked v1 better. I would have really liked if v2 brought back a lot of functions from Beta, instead of the new stuff. I understand that eRepublik is a business, and I do buy lots of gold from the game to support the business, since I enjoy the game.
I do not mind features to let us pay gold for faster military or worker skill advancements. I like the changes to Tickets, Food, I think losing Gifts is ok, I like the wellness/happiness idea, and I like the 24 hour schedule for actions. But, I do not like some other things.
I think they made the economy too complicated. I think that expensive constructions like Hospitals, Defense Systems, Houses, were better when they had fixed values and were permanent. I don'treally like combat in v2. In v1, I tanked almost every day. In v2, I do not fight much, unless someone asks me for help in an important battle.

It takes too much time, and the simple game was better, where we could build or destroy walls. This version, so much lag, and it makes the game military strategy, not social strategy.

Aside from battle, I could get used to the rest. But I think they need to figure out how to make the game profitable for them, without making it too complicated, laggy, easy to hack, and difficult for uys players.
There is amiddle ground. It looks likethe Admins are working on it, especially since they lost so much staff, they are more responsive now. Let's hope theycontineu to improve. 🙂

5. Everyone know that you have buyed a lot of gold's , can you tell me exactly how much gold do you buyed? 🙂

Um..... I'm honestly not sure. The last time I counted, was in.... February 2010, during election, when I was Josh Frost's eUSA Vice-President candidate. I think it was like $7,000-$8,000 RL US dollars for the six months before that.
I also spent a lot that month, and more after. Right now, in v2, I spend much less.
I do not tank daily, and I am not personally operating many government programs, like I did then. When I am in any formal position, I spend more. If not, I spend less. 🙂

6. You have helped eUSA many times, with your gold's and training companys, is that true?

Yes, many before, and many still. Very often, I have ideas that are too radical for the eUSA leaders to accept. When this happens, I sometimes give up trying to convince them, take matters into my own hands, and once I prove the idea works, I give them all of the resources. I can give some examples:

1. McFarland Constructions. In v1, it was difficult and expensive to find the right infrastructure. I thought nationalized companies would be best, but Americans are scared of Communism/Socialism.
Even though it makes sense in this game, it is hard to get them to do it. So, I built a Q5 Defense System and Q5 Hospital company, found many volunteers to work for $2 USD a day, and paid for all expenses myself.
We donated all infrastructure to the eUSA, and as part of eUSA diplomacy, to all allies who needed help.
If you are curious, go to the organization, and look at the export licenses. Those are the countries we donated to. Now, the eUSA government runs this iorganization, using military volunteers.

2. McFarland Training. It makes sense to havea government company for every skill, to make sure there are always entry-level jobs.
The eUSA did not want to try this idea until after the North America invasion by PEACE GC.
They then made a manufacturing hub in Fort Harlot, but only *after* ligtreb did it himself, and showed them they needed it. Following his example, I did thesame in Constructions, and Colin Lantrip did the same in Land.
Eventually, the government saw we were right, and we gave them our companies. Now, the eUSA government runs McFarland Training, which hasall the v2 eUSA training companies.

3. Military Communes. I will not give specific examples here... but ;et's say I spent over 3000g to help the eUSA military employ their workers in v1. You have similar companies here... with recent hacking problems, sadly. :/
But the idea works. Military people, patriots, working to make the government/military budget more efficient.
Those are the big $ helping items. I loan the eUSA gold when needed... I last loaned them 3000 gold for tanks when Harrison Richardson attacked Liaoning. I also built and ran our eUSA Immigration, ATO, etc, for long periods.

Reading this, I see how I spend too much time and money here sometimes. :/

7. what party in USA do you suport?

SEES and USWP. 😉 🙂

8. who is your bigest political enemy in USA? 😃

Hard to say. Sometimes I have done things which caused many people to temporarily become my enemies, but that fades away after time.
I only think of like 3 or 4 people as "enemies" in that they still attack me on our forum, work to undermine me anytime I try something new, and would oppose me if I got back into eUSA politics. But, it's weird.
On IRC, they still try to talk friendly... they have two faces. So I never know if they are done making life difficult for me, or if they are still thinking of me as an enemy.
Since they are not *actively* hurting me (for now) I would rather not say their names, hoping that the past stays in the past. :/
Overall, I get along fine with most people in the eUSA, though sometimes people overreact at some of my actions. 🙂

9.what is your best country in Erep after USA? 😃

I like eSerbia and eSouth Africa. I moved to eSouth Africa once before, to help them after Brazil and Argentina wiped them off the map, but I went back to the eUSA when Woxan asked me to help him when he was President. 🙂
eSerbia and eSouth Africa are definitely the friendliest, most interesting countries I have tried so far as MM2, outside the eUSA.

10. You have International respect by all country leaders and citizens, how do you do it? you are popular guy 🙂

Well... I don't have international respect. Some countries have lots of people who really do not like me, like Poland, Spain, Romania. Heck, some of us think that someone might have even once hacked Woxan's account to publish a newspaper article, trying to make us look very bad. 😉
I do get along well with most people I speak to, in most countries. I think that we should all remember this is a game. It should be played for fun.
There is no reason not to enjoy conversation with anyone, from any country, even if you are fighting or competing in battles, elections, etc, we should still all enjoy the social aspects of the game.
This is a very simple view, but it is one reason I think I have been able to make friends in most places, even though some people really hate me. 🙂

11. You are welcomed in Serbia, you moved here and stay a long time 😃 how do you decide it? and who is your best friends from eSerbia? 🙂

Well, the original decision to "visit" Serbia was totally an attack idea at first. I moved to Serbia when Harrison Richardson was President, so I could help with the eUSA RW in Liaoning. 😛
But, since HR had some problems/bugs/mistakes, he was delayed in his attack for like a full week. At that time, Marko Krawther had his idea to donate change... which got kinda crazy. 🙂
Once I was there, I started to talk more with some older friends in Serbia, like Kistru and Clueless, who were curious why I was there, and it kinda developed into me liking Serbia, and tanking for Serbia in the Liaoning RW. 😛
It was very fun. The most fun I have had outside the eUSA as MM2 since my time in South Africa. 🙂

As for best friends? I still talk to lots of people, and in this game, it's hard to say "best" friends. People come and go.
Some people I still talk to regularly are Clueless, desert hamster, Vlado Stepanovic, you, etc. 😛 The first time I visited, I also talked with GrifinNS and people in Akcioni Pokret, but now mostly with UeS. 🙂

12. how much massages do you get every day? 😃

My inbox still gets so many messages, I have a hard time keeeping up. I got 61messages since I logged out yesterday, to today. :/

It varies, but when I am active, at least a fewdozen, sometimes a hunred. x_x

I try to answer them all, but time is always an issue. If I get on IRC, then I usually miss answering most messages that day.
My work starts at 0600, and ends sometime 1500-2000, depending on how work is going. So it's hard to find the time, sometimes. :/

13. i was saw that you are candidate for prez in Serbia, how do you get that idea and what is your plan? Prez or just want see how much votes you will get? 😃

Sorta both. A few days ago I was looking around elections, noticed that the elections in Serbia are currently very unique. Opinions on the current president, interest of the main candidate, so many small candidates high up on the ballot, etc.
I was chatting with some people in some of the eSerbia party channels, and someone joked that I should run. I asked the PP if he would endorse me, and conversations went in interesting directions.
Eventually, it was obvious that it would be a bad idea for any big party to do so. I am not native Serbian, and nationalism is very strong. Also, people have a distrust since I am from eUSA, and it is their right.
So, I tried the small party idea. I think the next few days will be fun. Now, what happens if I win?

One, I will be very surprised. Two, I will spend much time to immediately learn all I can, and do my best to make it an awesome month for eSerbia.
I will have to rely on good advice from good friends to make sureI learn fast and do a good job. 🙂

14. do you plan ran for congres next month? xD

We'll see how everything goes. Maybe, if a party invites me, I will try. But, I suspect many people will be suspicious... I am still in the eUSA President's Cabinet, next term too, with access to those IRC channels and forum boards. I am sure people will be wondering "which side if he on?" 😛 😉 😃

In fact, talking with the eUSA Cabinet in IRC yesterday and today, they have a big interesting mix of reactions. 😉

15. do you plan to join some unit? like "Serbian Elite , or EMC" 😃

I think my time zone prevents me from working together with RL Serbian people for coordinated attacks, but if I stay in eSerbia, I will definitely offer to join/help somewhere.
I cover my own expenses for battle, including using max wellness-packs/food and "q5" weapons each time I fight.
I'm working on getting every military skill raised, right now I am 6/11/7/7. So, I try to be generally useful anytime I help in battle. 🙂

16. and i have one more question 🙂 do you plan to made your party biger and make some really politic in eSerbia? 😛

No, I do not know enough to make a positive change. I would only be interfering. I asked for help with the party size, until the election, to make sure I can be on the ballot. 🙂
If I do stay after this, then I would join one of the larger established parties. 🙂

17. do you wanna start play eJahan? USA have only 16 regions, after HUN and Poles atack 😃

Hungary and Poland are allies?

Yeah 😃

Wow 🙂 Maybe, give me a link, I might try it later thisweekend. No promises. 😛

Hehe i wil 😛

18. Thank you Max for an interview i hope that im not bored you 😛

Np 😃

That will be all 🙂 USA you should be proud ,because you have this guy... he is just.... "Awesoooommeee"!!

Cy-a take care 😃

Vote+Sub 😛

EDIT Prodajem jeftine kuce 35 wellnesa i 50 durability.... samo 4 golda...

Selling houses 35 wellnes and 50 Durability only 4 golds... Pm me