Indian Independence

Day 359, 07:38 Published in United Kingdom USA by srachit

Hi and thank you for coming back for another article of mine. As some of youll know, I am an Indian Freedom Fighter so I decided to write an article on Indian Independence. I decided that the people of Erepublik need to know what their Presidents think about Indian Independence so I contacted the presidents of each and every country. I received a few replies but I am still waiting for the rest so I decided to put up the replies I have got and then update it when I get the rest.

Here are the replies:
yes, but it depends on the form of the fight and negotiations.
I would be thankful for the article link.
Have a nice day.

I don't have enough info about that, but i remember that India's population was very low not a long time ago.
If that's still the case, I think they are better protected under Pakistani government.

But like i said... I don't have enough info at the moment

As part of a paceful Country I'm agree with their independence. Just have to be sure about the new president policy's.

Well done! Lots of work, good job!
Hungary is on the side of independence. But i have to admit that we have allies. And there is no situation when we do something against it.
I wish you the best. And if we can help, we will.
Adam Zahovay
President of eHungary

eIreland is neutral.
Personally i want to see all countrys restored 😉

I believe that India must wait the new war module.

There is currently no one interested in Indian Independance, so for now it isn't a topic that needs discussing in my opinion.

I'm not informed about if there is opression of Indian people or a strong Indian Resistance movement, so I can't give a clear opinion, but I trust on the willingness of Pakistan to do any talks with any indian organization for their independence...

It would be difficult to negotiate with the Pakistanis. They are quite stubborn. Because of this, I don't think Indian freedom is within reach.

I support all the independency wars, and India independence is one more of them.
Salutes my friend.

Support its freedom. I believe every people has the right to regions of their orginial nation to live in.

South Africa
Of course I support it, maybe I'd even sent soldiers. I support atlantis, and their every action. Also, I support free Australia and free SA. I'm with you guys. But, is there any RL Indian in this game?

If there is enough Indian population, then I would answer "yes". And of course, as a president of newly independent country I would say that every nation has right to be independent.

I think everyone deserve to get its own country in eRepublik

it would be better!

So now people of Erepublik I leave it in your hands to decide whether India should gets Independence or not. You may support your leaders or may have your own opinion but dont be afraid to post your reply on what you think about this topic. This is one of my first articles that is not addressed to the people of EUK but to the people of Erepublik, this is because the history of the new world depends on youll, the common people of Erepublik.

But let me tell youll a few things before youll decide on which side youll are.
1) I agree that the population of Indians living in Pakistan is very less but I want to tell youll that the population of Pakistanies living in India is also very less. The people of India are actually Brits Americans and a few Swedish thrown in.

2) Now that youll know that I want to point out that it would not affect them if India is free or not, but if India becomes free then I am sure many more people from around the world will come and help rebuild India.

3) If we get our freedom I assure youll that India will be in the hands of good leaders. Even if I have to go to Timbuktu to bring them.

4) India shall be neutral and not support the Atlantis nor the Peace.

If I can think of anything else I shall update this article immediately and as I get replies from other Presidents the article will be updated.

So check this article regularly for updates

Why cant India be like this?:

India and Pakistani relations after EIndia gets Independence: