Immediate Advisory

Day 425, 01:39 Published in South Africa South Africa by Brendan E Austerion

I have retracted all statements made in Taylor's article and am issuing an immediate Ministry of Defence advisory NOT TO FIGHT and to return home if you have left already. The Indos may use this as a reason to attack us: SO DO NOT FIGHT, REPEAT, DO NOT FIGHT. I am issuing this both as my official position as Minister of Defence and as a private citizen. We cannot afford to lose our five provinces: there will be another time to regain our provinces, but this is not it.

-Ministry of Defence, South Africa-

P.S. To The Indonesians: We will not however be able to restrain any private citizens that travel there to fight, so we hope that you will not think of it as an official endorsement by the government of eSA if they do so.


P.P.S. Military reorganization coming up soon!