I shoot zombies with an Automatic Shotgun!

Day 394, 15:00 Published in USA USA by Vladislaus Dragula

OMG this is an emergency writing, something I threw together really quick.
THE USWP are Traitors!
The USWP has been dealing with PEACE and is trying to undermine the war.
They are Traitors that lead and army of zombies. You want proof of them being traitors and zombies. Well go here for proof. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/a-story-of-treason-uswp-710837/1 And to show they are mostly zombies look at the active citizens in this country most of them are not USWP, but that party is the biggest shouldn’t most active people be in it. NO because they are zombies and traitors and We hang traitors and we shot zombies in the head with shotguns.
Best regards, Vlad the zombie killer

PS: get you're shotguns here