I'm running for president

Day 743, 05:40 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

Hello everyone!

When I stepped down after 3 months of presidency early September I didn't have plans to run for president ever again. At least not any time soon. Yet because of the rather grim circumstances I'm here 3 months afterwards throwing my hat into the race again.

I can't promise you great things, I can't even say for sure that Malaysia will be on the map in a month given the circumstances. I can promise though that I would give my best to navigate our nation through these very turbulent and dangerous times. Those who know me know my dedication to this game and eMalaysia and know that I'm willing to do lots of work if needed. I think we have been lacking in leadership lately and I'm ready to fix that. I'd lead this country with an iron fist expecting their best efforts from my ministers but at the same time setting guidelines and helping them whenever they need it. I'm not someone to shy away from taking decisions and to stand up for what I think is right either. Also I'd make it a priority to improve teamwork and communication inside the government as well as to improve the cabinet's communication towards the congress and the citizens of Malaysia.

I don't want to rob your time with details so I'll only say a few words about policies you could expect from my government:
- Foreign affairs: first priority is to keep the Sol Games going with as many participants as possible and to advocate for strengthening Sol and opening it up to more countries around the world. We will also need all our friends' help to stay on the map so there's a lot to be worked on our international standing.
- Economy: The Malaysian economy is doing fine however a slight increase in taxes and/or some donation campaigns might be needed to enable us to gather enough funds for our defences. It costs a lot to withstand the Indonesian attacks.
- Military: Here we need really active company leaders who can be trusted with more tasks and we badly need teamwork and an improvement of our logistics.
- Social affairs and education: On this field I'd rely on the expertise of SetsunaX and the ideas of Carr De Vaux mostly but I also have a few minor ideas for improvements that I'd like to see implemented.

My pick for vice president is Carr De Vaux. He has ideas, he has dedication and he is very active. Just what you need for such an important position.🙂 You can read more about his plans and vision in his own article.

DAP members who support us please vote for me on the DAP primary: HERE.
That's all.🙂 If I'm chosen as DAP's candidate, vote Nagyzee / Carr De Vaux for December!

Best regards,