I’ll make you an offer you cannot refuse

Day 483, 02:14 Published in Hungary Hungary by Zoli

I’ve been playing this game for more than 9 months. I’ve been here when the war between Romania and Hungary broke out; I fought each day when there was an active battle in this war.

This war beside all the bad things involved in wars it had many upsides. I meet many great man and woman on both sides of the front. I lived in both countries. The war did not push us apart, it brought us closer. It was a love and hate relations, be argued a lot, we fought a lot, but finally each time we hugged and got along well. This way Romanian meet the Hungarians (Quicksilver, Weis Manfred Huba, Kovacskoko, Sanya18, Toth Tamas and many others) while Hungarians got acquainted with Romanians (Dsalageanu, Smif, Pristanda, Han Solo, Sebahmah, Alex Craciun, The_Mihai, Danok, diu1so and many others). Although some of the steps taken by both sides where not always appreciated by the other side we are at war, and this influenced the relations. But we must build our relations on mutual respect. As Dsalageanu said there is always going to be a border between Hungary and Romania, the only question is if it will be to the east or to the west of the current border.

The biggest issue between Romania and Hungary is trust. I would welcome a gentleman’s agreement, but in this case it will not work. We need a contract in which we should stipulate the terms and conditions of ending the war. Taking into account the Hungary attacked in January just to block the invasion of Russia I understand why Romanians do not trust Hungary. Taking into account that Romania never had a true peace proposal and that during the last battle for SGP in exchange of giving back all territories has asked Hungary to retreat when the wall was at -110K I understand why Hungarians do not trust Romania.

Let’s have a signed contract and we can end this war.

1. To Hungarians

The medium and long term goal of Hungary was to get back all regions. But if this happens now what will we do? Nobody thought it will happen this soon. We must focus on building up a strong economy, on helping our allies by fighting from home; we must focus on increasing the rank of our army. Those who want to fight Romania will be able to do it through Ukraine, Indonesia and other countries involved in wars with Romania.

Many people came here to liberate Hungarian territories and it’s possible and even probable than population of Hungary will decrease if we get all territories back. We are afraid because we would have no goals. We must get all regions back, close the war with Romania and find a new goal a new purpose to play this game.

2. To Romanians

Romania never had a serious peace offer. All offers had a catch, there was no guarantee that Romania will respect its promise. It was about liberating regions through RW’s – why not direct attack where all could fight, or to retreat from battles where Hungarians pushed down the wall to -110K. We need a contract, a firm agreement, not only promises and nice looking proposals.

This peace is needed by both Hungary and Romania. Romania has no real interest in the last 3 Hungarian regions it has under control. Let’s put everything in a contract and solve the problem – I know off promises made and broken so there is the trust issue.

3. To Hungarian allies and PEACE

Hungary has many things to thank to its allies and PEACE, but do not forget that Hungary has given many things back. Hungary has grown and it represents one of the pillars of stability inside PEACE. Looking at the last battle statistics we can all see that despite the fact that Hungary did not do most of the damage it has the most fights. These soldiers will grow in strength and rank, and Hungary’s contribution to PEACE operations will grow.

Currently the main role of Hungary in PEACE is blocking Romania. Hungary deserves more. There are other countries that can do that – Ukraine is the perfect country. It is more expensive but can serve that purpose. A couple of MPP’s with Ukraine, and Romania will never attack them fearing there activation and a direct route to Podolia.

I expect from all parties to make Hungary an offer we cannot refuse. Romania put your offer in a contract. Hungarian Government keep your word that your main goal is to have all regions back and accept a written proposal from Romania. PEACE countries rejoice that Hungary will receive all territories and rethink the strategy.

The ball is in the Romanian court. Let’s have a written contract.

P.S. Please comment in English as I will advertise this in more countries.