I am ashamed

Day 729, 14:06 Published in Austria Spain by Armande Xavier

update: Burgenland has been secured by Austria. The Hungarian president has announced his resignation. I am hoping this sad event will be forgotten as soon as possible.

People of Austria,

I am utterly disgusted by what Hungary did today. The attack on Burgenland a cowardly move against a defenseless country, it is treason, it is an act of agression against an ally, and it cannot be justified by any means.

I understand it offers little comfort at this time, but you should know that some of us in Hungary are just as disgusted by this move as you rightfully are. I expect even our allies in ex-PEACE to condemn this attack and they would be right to do so.

I can only hope those that made this horrible decision will eventually pay for it.

Terribly ashamed,
Armande Xavier

a Hungarian citizen