How to Make Your Democracy Meaningless

Day 531, 14:46 Published in USA South Africa by Oprah Winfrey


Democracy is a beautiful thing. Representative democracy, as it applies to eRepublik,

allows each and every one of us to steer the course of our Nation's destiny by voting for

the best and most effective representatives. These politicians vote on issues ranging from

war to import taxes.

In the real United States, electioneering is a process that is very popular among all levels

of economic, social, and cultural classes. Americans pride themselves with the idea of

voicing one's own opinion for the betterment of society.

One of the key points of CONSUMERISM is applied to electioneering in the United

States: that is, if a voter/consumer isn't satisfied with a product/representative, he or she

will not buy from/vote for them. Logic. If you aren't happy with a car that you purchased

because it breaks down're likely to not buy from that company again. Similarly

with politicians, if a representative votes for a harmful and unjustified impeachment that

you strongly disagree with, you're likely not to vote for him again.

The glaring problem with this essential point of democracy and representation is that in

eRepublik a citizen CANNOT SEE HOW A POLITICIAN VOTES. While most

Americans agree that a secret ballot is just for the average voter, the people who are in

charge of our Nation should be liable for their votes and answer to the PEOPLE. We

should know how they vote. What if the very person you support votes differently from

what they claim? What if a politician almost never votes and is very inactive?

While it's noble that some representatives attempt to publish their voting records: how can

we be sure that its accurate? Often times, a politician updates their record in a newspaper

only about once a week or less. Translation? They can wait to see the outcome of a

major decision. Did the war turn out well or not? It may effect how they 'claim' to have


This is a MAJOR flaw in this game. How to make your democracy meaningless? Not

show how your representatives are voting.

If you agree with this, VOTE IT UP. Let's show the creators of this game that this NEEDS

to be changed.