Hospitals, Again...

Day 791, 08:35 Published in USA USA by system0101
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And again and again and again. The same zombie arguments keep coming up and frankly it pisses me off. As someone who grew up through the Great Invasion, I saw how a distributed population helped our enemies. I saw New Jersey fall in a day even though it had Q5's and 3500 people there. I saw our enemies bring us to the brink of defeat and pause when they saw the wall of the 9000-man Floridian resistance.

So everyone, STFU about hospitals. Especially Aeros. Bring some statistics to the party or srsly GTFO. Because all you are doing is inciting a riot of uninformed newbies and deluded vets.

Hospitals will increase retention! WRONG. You can't even use a hospital for the first week of eLife, by then 90% are long gone, if not more.

Strong countries have lots of Hospitals! WRONG. Look how many countries around the globe are switching to the Fortress Strategy. We haven't wiped the Hospitals in Indonesia and Hungary yet, expect them to install fortresses after we do.

Let's at least try it out! WRONG. Infrastructure is permanent. There is no test here, it's all or none. We can't get rid of crappy Q2 hospitals once they are made. Q5 or bust!

But look at New York-- WRONG. New York has no resources we need to protect, and at least one hostile border. We have already seen the 'value' of having two Eastern Seaboard fortresses. It failed miserably.

We could use a couple more Q5's! WRONG. New Jersey fell in one day with 3500 people there. Our fortresses need to have BARE MINIMUM of 5000 population. Karnataka doesn't even count as a fortress, more like a fortified forward position.

But Zoli said-- WRONG. If you guys are so sheepish to listen to a prominent Hungarian propagandist, who laughed the last time his alliance rolled through us and destroyed all our infrastructure, then GTFO.

But they're free! WRONG. Max pays out of his own pocket for the companies, resources, and wages for these projects. Many prominent citizens donate their labor to the cause. But that doesn't make them free by any stretch of the imagination.

Elitists are holding us down! WRONG. The eUS Government is filled with dozens of people who work tirelessly to make this browser game entertaining for you. If anything, the elitists are the ones that have too many Media Mogul medals and don't bring any actual facts to the debate.


If we do get a mega babyboom, we have seven days to place infrastructure before they can even use it the first time. It takes 24 hours for Congress to pass the law.

Full-size pic

This was our infrastructure before the invasion. Retention was worse then than it is now. Zoli and others like him used our media to convince us to waste our money on more infrastructure right before they swept through and destroyed it all.

And still, you people don't learn from the mistakes of the past and choose to sheepishly fall into stale debate routines.

Zoli knows that every piece of gold we spend on infrastructure, donated or not, is one less gold we have to attack him and his friends. Do you really want Zoli to win? Really? Srsly?