Help South Africa -- WE WON!

Day 904, 15:27 Published in USA USA by ligtreb
UPDATE: Limpopo is being overrun by enemy forces, occupation is imminent. WE WON IN SOUTH AFRICA!!!!

Obviously, the offer of free weapons is now over. Thank you all for voting and shouting this up.

~~~~~~~ORIGINAL ARTICLE BELOW~~~~~~~~~~~

There's a big battle going on in South Africa right now. One of my favorite things to do in this game is help liberate regions for allies. Let's help South Africa get Limpopo back.

I have stockpiles at some companies I own and some rare free time, so I make the following offer:

I have 100 Q1 weapons (and 40 moving tickets) to give out to the first 20 people who are willing to fight for South Africa, reply below and fit the following criteria:

1) You have to be subscribed to the following newspapers:

Mine (the newspaper you're reading now)
Chocolate McSkittles ' newspaper (I'm trying to get him a media mogul)
The USA Welcoming Committee newspaper (I'm trying to get them a media mogul too)
The White House Press Room newspaper
Department of Citizen Orders newspaper (also known as DoD Orders)

2) You must be an American, Brolliance or EDEN citizen and have a pro-American/Brolliance/EDEN fighting record (this will be checked).
3) You have to be over 85 wellness.
4) You can't be a Field Marshal yet (you guys should either self-fund or be a part of a military that will fund you).
5) You have to be able to quit your job (so you can move to South Africa)
6) Please don't request if you've already received supplies from the military for this battle.

First come, first serve. If I still have supplies left at 18:15, there will be a delay of a couple hours or so (plans tonight)

UPDATE: Churche has generously sent some weapons/tickets to me so we have an extra set to give out.