Help from eBulgaria (an Article of Friedrich Barbarossa)

Day 1,219, 07:47 Published in Italy Bulgaria by Tangra Corporation Bulgaria

Here writes the eBulgarian player Friedrich Barbarossa. This is not a political article or the statement of the government. This is just the idea of one ordinary man, who wants to help.

Hail, brothers from Italy!

We all see how your regions are ruthlessly captured by Macedonia's greed. We are witnesses of how your country falls apart under the hits of the NWO. The invasion on your teritory, wich is going on these days is turning out to be a disaster for your country. You're losing resources, battles, your money are running out and your country has lost its complexity.
Are you suppose to accept it without complaining? I know you do not have the strength to withstand such a powerful enemy. It is clear that alone you cannot win. In such moments of tension, man relies on his friends.

But can you trust EDEN? Now Croatia is pressed by Serbia and fights in controversial wars for its original regions. Romania is suffering under the weight of the Hungarian attack, while Greece was occupied by Turkey and the heavy and expensive wars against the newly liberated regions ... The other countries in EDEN are weak and don’t have the required capacity to help you, but also they fight in important battles of their own. What about Bulgaria? At the moment we are not struggling in a direct war.

We only help the Romanians in their trial against Hungary. And nothing will cost our President to declare a priority in the battle for Lazio, even if it’s just for a few rounds. Many of our people want to fight against Macedonia, instead of Hungary. But our government does not comply with this request, preferring to let things stay the way they are. They stick in the eyes of our strongest allies, and leave you - the friend - Italy, to fall into the hands of the Macedonians. Sad but true. However, many people from Bulgaria are organizing themselves and making a lot of damage in your rounds.

I know that so far we haven’t achieved much success, but it’s simply impossible to turn the outcome of a battle with such a disadvantageous result without interference from the government. And yet - if you are watching – yesterday many of our avatars were showing up. All you have to do is coordinate with your allies, seek help and hit hard. Otherwise, your country is lost. I am the leader of a paramilitary unit that yesterday fought, and today will fight for you. We can equip ourrselfs, we use as much blood as we have, but really - it would be better to coordinate in order to succeed at taking a few rounds and thus killing the momentum of the enemy. Anyone who is willing to engage in the campaign can write me and together we will hit coordinated and successful.

Отряд за съдействие на отбраната

My private platoon will help you, but we need bigger activity from your army and population. Many people in eBulgaria have agreed to fight for you. Ask your allies and friends - you must win this battle. If someone wants to donate money for our soldiers - he can do it here.
The rounds end at
16.35 / 17.35 (Bulgarian time)
18.35 / 19.35 ..
20.35 / 21.35 ..
22.35 / 23.35 ..

Hail Italy
Hail Bulgaria

Friedrich Barbarossa