HazzN for West Midlands

Day 424, 13:42 Published in United Kingdom Philippines by HazzN

The first thing you ought to know about me; is that I am an addict. If you have ever ventured onto the eUK forums, you will have seen me there, loitering around, clocking up my post count in Private and Public forums. If you want a Congressman, who is highly active, who will take part in 100% of the discussions in the House of Commons, then look no further. You saw fit to vote me into this seat last term, and what I gave you was 100%. I will do it again.

Am I qualified?
Last month, I was relatively unknown by most. My work with the NHS as the West Midlands Clinic Director helped me write a manifesto that won you over. My main concern was you, the people of the West Midlands. Nothing has changed. My job is to represent you, and that is a role I take very seriously and will do to the best of my ability. I care, I shall listen, and my actions will be based on your requirements.

However, this term I have a few more qualifications to add to the list.
I am The Unity Party Media Director.
I am the Under Minister of Information.
I am the CO of the Royal Guard.
And perhaps most importantly, I have had one successful term as Congressman, representing you at the West Midlands.

I am very capable, I am very vocal, and I will get the job done.

What can I do for you?
Listen – The West Midlands is home to a Private Discussion forum, where you can express your opinions about current legislation, as well as any other private matter that you wish to take up with me. I am always around, and I shall always pay attention to what you have to say, and I will always do what I can to help you out.

Talk – I am not afraid of some of the big names in politics. If you have an issue that you wish to be taken up on the Public Discussion forum, or raised in the House of Commons, then I shall fight your corner for you. I consider myself a good debater. I can express a point coherently and with passion, and I will do, every day if you ask me to. This is my promise to you.

For me, eRepublik came alive when I joined the forum community. Since my arrival the West Midlands has gone from a dead zone, to the most active regional forum in eUK. I shall not take full credit for this, but I helped, and I shall continue to strive to create a fun environment for us all to enjoy.

The Pub Quiz of last month was a great success. We already have another friendly match against the North East lined up in the next few weeks. A National Pub Quiz Cup is also in the pipeline, which will involve all regions and increase activity for everyone. I hope that with your support, I can make this dream a reality.

So please, if you wish for an enjoyable community, where your thoughts are heard and acted upon, then vote HazzN, for the West Midlands.