eUSA and War Tactics - August 5th 2009

Day 624, 06:09 Published in USA USA by Ron Richardson

This is my second article. If you didn't see my article yesterday please check it out.

eUSA and War Tactics - August 4th 2009

I will admit I made extremely bad decisions yesterday. Retreat Arkansas, Fight in Wyoming. Both very bad decisions in hindsight. We did great yesterday. We secured Arkansas, Maryland and Texas. Lost Wyoming. I'd like to congratulate our leaders on a job well done for yesterday.

Onto today. Let's start like normal with Indonesia.

Stats done 05:26 Day 624

Lost Attack On Arkansas (102 Citizens)
Retreted Texas (1114 Citizens Q5 Defense)
Attacked Texas (1114 Citizens Q5 Defense)

Total War Damage Today
USA: 9,011,646
Indonesia: 8,333,803
USA: +677,843

Total War Damage Yesterday
USA: 7,887,930
Indonesia: 7,596,873
USA: +291,057

Damage Last 24 Hours
USA: 1,123,716
Indonesia: 736,930

I wont say my stats are 100% correct, but they are pretty close. Based on those stats it looked like Indonesia held back on Texas, and USA went all out. It will be interesting to see what the stats are tomorrow to give a better indication. As this is only the first day doing 24 hour damage I don't know how strong Indonesia really is. They have paid a crap-ton of gold to attack Texas twice, I believe they must be going to throw everything they have at it today.

Let's move to Russia.

Won Wyoming (41 Citizens)
Attacked Wisconsin (203 Citizens)

Total War Damage Today
USA: 19,248,362
Russia: 18,324,831
USA: +923,531

Total War Damage Yesterday
USA: 19,010,606
Russia: 17,815,871
USA: +1,194,735

Damage Last 24 Hours
USA: 237,756
Russia: 508,960

This is pretty boring. Russia attacked Wyoming. USA didn't care, Russia won. Russia attacks Wisconsin, another easy target, while USA focuses on Texas.

To Portugal

Lost Attack On Maryland (209 Citizens, Q3 Defense)
Attacked Arkansas (102 Citizens)

Total War Damage Today
USA: 4,894,560
Portugal: 4,972,698
Portugal: +78,138

Total War Damage Yesterday
USA: 4,364,277
Portugal: 4,121,168
USA: +243,109

Damage Last 24 Hours
USA: 530,283
Portugal: 851,530

I'm thinking I screwed up my calculations yesterday. Portugal seemed to put out way too much damage to have lost the battle at Maryland. Then again maybe I'm underestimating a Defense System. This was a big surprise. They've focused attention on Arkansas instead today.

Onto France

Won New Brunswick (79 Citizens)

Total War Damage Today
Canada: 15,901,979
France: 18,284,237
France: +2,382,258

Total War Damage Yesterday
Canada: 15,703,653
France: 17,944,505
France: +2,240,852

Damage Last 24 Hours
Canada: 198,326
France: 339,732

No surprise here. I do feel sorry for Canada. France does not seem to be doing that much damage and could be easily defended by USA if they didn't have problems for themselves. I don't see how France will capture Ontario with that sort of damage.

Won North Dakota (16 Citizens)

Total War Damage Today
Canada: 286,335
Hungary: 1,862,185
Hungary: +1,575,850

Total War Damage Yesterday

Damage Last 24 Hours

I didn't do Hungary yesterday, but decided to do it today. Nothing here to really talk about.

That's the end of damage calculations. After my hugely wrong thoughts yesterday on what we should do I'm a little nervous today but here goes. I'm not going to go too crazy anymore until I understand eRep rules a little better.

We need to stand our ground on Texas. This is do or die. Indonesia will hit it hard at the start of tomorrow. If we are not ready for it we're done for. We should be getting everyone to hold putting damage on Texas for as long as possible to stop them from retreating from our wall of damage. If we defend Texas for another day this will hurt Indonesia gold funds badly as they are paying somewhere in the sum of 350gp to attack Texas each time. As for rest of fights in Wisconsin and Arkansas it seems our best bet at winning another is Wisconsin based on the damage that Russia put out yesterday.

Please let me know what you guys think by comment on this article. Don't forget to vote and subscribe. I'll be back tomorrow with more damages and to see how things played out.

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Thanks guys.