Day 643, 11:54 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ines Schumacher


We're half-way through election day and going strong! Thanks to everyone who has voted so far and also to those that are withholding their votes for the last few hours.

We are keeping our 10 candidates firmly in the top 10 so far with a few fluctuations at the bottom of the table, a gap we hope to bolster in the next few hours.

It is very important you check this link before voting:

Vote for the candidate with the least votes! This list will be updated throughout the night by your dedicated team of cabinet and intelligence ministry helpers.

This is the OFFICIAL candidate list to avert the PTO on eSA:

For United South Africa:
Jan Oliver
Steven Bosch
Mark Morcom
Ali Mentary

For South African Gold Party:
Enoch Root
Lucien Morjuet

Spread the link in shouts and among the groups you have gathered to help eSA and vote smart!

We are currently finalising the economic plan incorporating suggestions you guys left on the national forums. All congress members will have voting instructions before 00.00 today.

Stay strong eSouth Africa! Let's make sure that congress seats only go to true eSouth Africans that will vote in our economic plan!

Vote Proudly eSouth African!

~ eSA president