EDIT: eRepublik.com answer - eRepublik is a game and must remain a game.

Day 1,342, 10:12 Published in Greece Greece by Tall_niki

eRepublik.com answer that I received 3 hours ago with pm



That penalty is already reverted. Let me know if you need additional information.

______________________ - eRepublik.com

This article is respecting everything game rule and it was written in order to make anyone realize that this is a game.

I hope that this is the last time that I will publish such an article, but I will use my newspaper for anything unfair is happening here.

We are all here to play a game. eRepublik IS A GAME and MUST remain a game.

Some people think that we are here to make propaganda.

This is completely wrong. We are not politicians. We are gamers and we are here to enjoy and to have fun in our free time. There is no need to nobody to make here any type of propaganda, or to use his power by taking unfair decisions.

At Day 1339 I had a warning that my avatar (Vergina's Sun) was illegal.

Vergina's Sun is an official Greek state emblem recognized from United Nations (UN).

I prove in my previous article (which was written at day 1339) with a very simple way, that my avatar (Vergina's Sun) is 100% legal and I proved that anyone Greek has the right to use it without any problems. You can see the article for details: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/1825982/1/20.

George Lemnaru answered immediately at my previous article (and I want to thank him for that) in order to inform me and all community that all Greeks have the right to wear this avatar without any problem....

George Lemnaru answer:
Your fp was deleted and today we changed the rules: it is not normal to get fp points for showing that sign, no matter the nationality and especially Greeks.
Thank you for understanding.

But....at day 1340...someone has banned a Greek user for 1 day (pest88) because he was wearing avatar with Vergina's Sun.

The avatar that pest88 was wearing:

The ticket of his temp ban:

Someone, didn't respect the game rules, and with the power that he takes from the admin's tools he punished a Greek User without any reason...

Someone, isn't respecting anyone user here because he is doing whatever he want and he destroys the game

Someone wants to make this game a awful propaganda tool.

This is completely wrong....eRepublik IS A GAME and MUST remain a game.

I am speaking as an user that has ingame friends from all the countries here ("friendly" or not), as a user that respects every user here, as a user that want eRepublik to remain a game.

Proud Member of Sarissa Warriors