Elect Changewillcome for congress.

Day 396, 19:38 Published in USA USA by changewillcome

Changewillcome's Bid for congress

Minimum wage and cost of living: The cost of living should be the deciding factor of the minimum wage. For example if the minimum wage is $3.00 and the cheapest piece of food is $4.00 then the minimum wage should be increased to around $5.00, There would be no sense of working if you cannot afford to buy one piece of food per day. The lowest piece of q1 food I could find is $1.75 which makes me want to raise the Minimum Wage to at least $2.00. Another way handle economy would be burning money, since lowing supply would increase demand. Causing items to cost less and salaries to go down which is called a deflation. This is an alternative option to adjusting the minimum wage.

Free trade and taxation: I support free trade because I believe it will help citizen get the best overall deal when companies compete to get your business. I also understand that all the business should not go overseas since that would put citizen out of work in the USA. Products like Raw material should have a high import tax to keep people from buying only foreign Raw material.

War in France: As a former worker in the weapons field I saw how the fields demand diminished when there was no war. Wars happen you just cannot claim, that war is
never the answer because sometimes war is necessary. I will remain neutral on the France vs USA war until I take time as a congressman to speak with the leaders in France and hear there side of the story.

No soldier left behin😛 If I decided to support the war or not will not neglect the hard working men and women that are fighting in this war. No soldier should be sent to war without a gun its the governments job to supply soldiers with guns. Rather then the government only giving guns to their cronies. As congressman I will see to it that guns are in fact supplied to our brother and sisters in arms.

Defense system: A defense system will not be needed in West Virginia since it's not close to a border.

Hospital: West Virginia has a Q1 Hospital. However West Virginia only has 32 citizens so upgrading the quality of the hospital may seem like wasteful pork. However in a state such as DC which has 294 citizens it's well worth the money to invest in a high quality hospital.

Citizen Fee: The current citizen fee is $8, which seems reasonable to me. However if the inflation increases I would consider raising the citizen fee.

Why Changewillcome? Why should you vote for me over scrabman from USWP? It's simple the USWP did a major flip flop on the war in France. They have 15 congressman and only three members of congress voted no to the war in France thus majority of there party supported it. They are simply pandering to get your vote.
Proof: http://www.erepublik.com/en/USA/law/1238

If you're looking for some change in congress then vote for Changewillcome. So I can give us the change we have be waiting for.

Thanks for reading,
West Virginia, USA