Thank you, allies and friends of eFinland!

Day 593, 13:38 Published in Malaysia Finland by Ministry of Education FI

eFinlands main canditate Erius won the elections and now he is president of eFinland. We got a lot of votes from foreign people. Thanks for our allies! You have saved us, and we'll never forget that. You were here, when we needed you, and again thank you!

Government of eFinland - 07/2009


Vice President
Okkius Pyromanius

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Representative of Ambassadors

Minister of Recruiting

Minister of Internal Affairs

Minister of Defence
Okkius Pyromanius

Minister of Finance
Vilhelmi Kanervikkola

Minister of Information
Stogis and Valdemar Bogeberg

Ministers of Culture and Sport
Tonos and JokkeT

eFinlands minister of of information
Valdemar Bogeberg