Does anybody know about the House of Lords?

Day 417, 13:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Christophia

Although currently residing in Romania, I have been keeping up to date with affairs in eUK, and with particular interest, in the current debate over the House of Lords. Now I know I can't speak for everyone else, but I don't think it would be too unfair to suggest that very few people in eUK know that a) it even exists and b) what the point of it is.

The House of Lords is a body established a few months ago now as a second parliamentary chamber. Much like in real-life, proposals from the House of Commons are sent to the House of Lords after Commons approval for checking, editing, changing, improving etc. The Lords can then reject the legislation.

But what is the Lords, I hear you ask? Well its a body of 12 citizens, who are nearly all e😜oliticians or citizens of experience and knowledge. They are not elected in any manner, but merely appointed by the Prime Minister (President) with the approval of the Party President of only the largest three parties by membership. This means the United Belgian Party which was elected into the British Congress with 14% of the vote is not given a voice, and the Movement for Democratic Unity, which was elected by the people of eUK with 10% of the vote, is not given a voice. This means the House of Lords does not represent nearly a quarter of the British public. In fact, Yorkshire and Humberside, which is purely represented by the MDU, is not given a voice AT ALL.

Now, I'm sorry, but how utterly ridiculous is this? It is fact that the vast proportion of members of UK Reform, the People's Communist Party and (to a lesser extent) The Unity Party are inactive. How then can it be justified that only the biggest 3 have exclusive rights?

Dishmcds, ex-Prime Minister of eUK who is now a member of the Lords, said the "Lords isnt supposed to be 'democratically fair' or elected". In his usual manner of refusing to engage in proper debate without accusing the opposition of something, Dishmcds then stated that there was no point of Tommy Tomassino, MDU Party President, being part of eUK because he couldn't accept that the MDU Party President did not have equal standing in the Lords. After then stating that UKRP had 400+ members, Tommy challenged him to find more than 60 active members, to which Dishmcds promptly and conveniently ignored.

There is a point to the Lords - it is a body of the most experienced and knowledgeable members of eUK that can advise the House of Commons on legislation in order to improve it and make sure it is the best it can be. But as CV James, ex MDU Party President has put it, is it right that this body is completely unelected, undemocratic and unrepresentative of the people, yet it has the power to change laws affecting us all? He proposes the body becomes smaller and provides non-binding advice, which in reality the Commons would probably always accept.

However, the debate and the emotions grow, who knows where this will take us...

You can read the debate on the Lords here:
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