DoD Orders Dec 24 [Day 765, eRep 07:00] - FIGHT IN PYONGAN

Day 765, 06:57 Published in USA USA by USA Department of Defense

My Fellow Americans and Emerick:




Previous content from the Liaoning Resistance War.
It was a success and a big congrats to all whom participated.

STFU and fight RED.

In simple terms: We came to Asia to take these regions from our enemies. We never intended to keep Liaoning long-term. The reason for the NK war was only to impede the ability of the Russians to have NK retreat them a path to attack Liaoning. Due to the bugs that are so common in this game, the region swap with China to attack Hamgyong was interrupted and then our ability to defend Jilin was completely screwed yesterday. The best strategic option we have now is to return Liaoning to China because Hungary has no open war with them and we can still slow Russia thru Pyangon. Is that simple enough?

Keeping Liaoning in USA hands gives Hungary and Russia an opportunity to double-team the region and we will lose it back to one of them.

So just fight red, return the region to China so China can begin fortifying it.

Ignore the Serbs, Huns and Iranians wearing fake avatars. Ignore the fake orders. Play smart America. Do what the whole eworld has been doing for over a year: accept the eWorld as it is, warts and all and just try to have some fun.

Knowledge is (FIRE) Power

Make sure you understand basic war-fighting techniques and the use of hospitals. Below are some informative and helpful articles on the subject. Always confirm your target before fighting to insure your damage is helping the eUSA war cause.

Want up to date info?

Another good source of info is the US Citizen orders script

Use the greasemonkey script for up-to-date orders on your browser

Friendly Firepower Program

Population. Our enemies are numerous but they also have the advantage of ranking up. Hungary had its babyboom long before ours. The game is linear. The longer you play, the stronger you become. The only counters to this are lots of gold and population. For the eUSA to become a true global superpower, then we must recruit a new generation of eUSA player.

The eUS government and eUS Military are proposing the Friendly Firepower Program. We are asking each active citizen to recruit one friend. Teach them to play the game. Help them. Mentor them. Direct them to the forums. Get them on to IRC. Get them involved and invested in our goal of making the eUSA the strongest and most prosperous nation in eRepublik.

If you look at the population stats for the game, you would think the eUSA has thousands more citizens than next 4 most populous nations. This is deceptive. That is total accounts. We need more ACTIVE ACCOUNTS. We need more ACTIVE CITIZENS.

We aren't asking you to shoot for a society builder medal. We're asking you for one friend.

Recruit one friend to win.

US Babyboom Effort

Vote up the links in this article to support the eUS babyboom.

More fun is in store for the coming days and weeks. Follow DoD Orders for maximum effect and civilians are encouraged to contact US Welcoming Committee for information on the Coordinated Civil Defense Program.

Gaius Julius
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff