Do the Right Thing

Day 562, 14:42 Published in USA USA by prezpac

This article is my personal endorsement for the Scrabman/Bastion ticket in the Presidential elections coming up on June 5th.

First, let me start by telling you that I have no misconceptions or delusions as to the tough choices that have been made during President Scrabman's second full term. This is not a request for your vote based on the premise that candy is falling from the sky, or that sunshine will turn the streets of our eNation into gold. This is an article that I write with the full knowledge of the events of the past month, both popular and unpopular.

I believe that President Scrabman is the right choice for these times because of his ability to make the right choice for the eUS even if that goes against a vocal opposition's opinion. The war between Sweden and Germany was unfortunate, but that does not make it our fight. This was a dispute between two nations over broken agreements. For the eUS to have intervened after the PTO on Germany, (that was later overturned by the admins do to the use of multis), would have been foolish at best and based purely on the heartfelt sentiment of some and not based on the realities of the situation. Had our military been fully deployed to defend Germany, we no doubt could have held off their attackers, but at what cost? The cost to our national budget would have been huge, but that is not the greatest cost. Germany would still have been left wide open to a PTO in the June 5th Presidential elections. More than this, our military would then not have been available to help Romania take back it's high-iron region, thus securing a second source of high-iron for the eUS, helping to alleviate some of the pressure on Spain.

So, with that said, I'll be casting my vote for the man with the balls to do what is best for the country, to do the right thing. The man that has the vision and foresight to grasp the larger picture of world events and not just cave to popular sentiment. The addition of Bastion to the ticket only strengthens my resolve in this issue. Bastion will bring a wealth of military experience to the ticket that this nation requires in these trying times. For all of these reasons, I will be casting my vote for Scrabman/Bastion on June 5th and I humbly ask you to consider these reasons before casting your vote as well.

Thank you for you time and Do the Right Thing,
-Jasper Ferguson
Congressman, Kentucky
Proud Member of the USWP