Diplomatic Crisis. Are you in?

Day 414, 13:59 Published in Romania Romania by eliberator
Romania has 'conquered' / stole Russia 😉.

The Russian Way is hard.
Is it true that we cannot play anymore this kind of game?
This is not fair play 😃, and also erepublik rules were not assuring a fair play game 😉,
and so a lot of eRussian work was wasted by an organized and united eRomanian group.

Either way, I like that the war was ended for the moment. Now it's PEACE (and also PEACE GC turn).
I'm happy that eRomanian has its pacifist-leaders who knew how to conquer without damaging all the infrastructure of THE big WALL in West Siberia ;😉.

I'm not happy that eRomania is viewed like an imperialistic country, but I hope Russia will understand that it is better this way -> united, for the moment, with eRomanian Empire. The main issue now will be organization of all the eRomanian Empire, the congress, and so on. The erepublik is not a democratic system. The erepublik system is based on NUMBERS: the bigger wins.

As we all know, the Great Empires hadn't a long life, so we should see what will be the next 'strike' in erepublik world.

GO!GO!GO! Another kind of race was started the last days! Which community will be the biggest one ever in erepublik?
Could a bigger community take the City Hall?
A well organized big community [or party] could win the presidential elections and also the congress elections. Run for new eCitizens, talk with them to support your party and your cause, then Run for Congress, be the biggest party in eRepublik, and you will be the WINNER.

Good luck to you, and to your new friends who will come to sustain your cause!

Are you in?