
Day 890, 14:51 Published in Serbia Hungary by montaigne

Dear Readers!

This is pure fiction. It is a story which only happened in my immagination, therefore any resemblance with real life (I mean in-game) issues are matters of pure coincidence. So...let it come!

It was a cloudy, windy time when I opened my computer. I had a bad feeling....Romanian attack in Vojvodina ended with a failure around day 889 14.00 hrs Erep time. Serbia defended the territory. I was afraid of that. Honestly.

Meanwhile Romania got blocked by Hungary so their attack in Eastern Serbia was not an option any more. At least Romanians have proven they had the courage to act. But who else could block Serbia? Let me see, let me see.

China, but it was blocked by Russia.
USA, with some swaps? No way, since USA was also blocked by Russia.
India lost initiative in Sindh.

Time was running.

There is ONLY 17 hours to go till Chinese attack in Inner Mongolia finishes. In this almost 17 hours somebody MUST BLOCK SERBIA.

But who else could block Serbia? Finnland? Ireland? Peru? Australia? Let me see the map, who is close enough. The Martians?

Technically noone else, but I can do it. Me. Alone. Nobody else. Where are the other 378.000 citizens? I wish I was one of them.

Push it or not? Let's think it over.

Not so easy to take this decision.

I feel OKAY, just don't talk to me, OK?

Let's see what a fortune teller will say.

Honestly: what to do now? The whole war could be ruined if nobody pushes that red button.

But pushing the button could have other DOMESTIC consequences.

Let's call the Filippino President! Maybe he finds a solution to block Serbia in Liaoning! Should be possible and does not trigger MPP-s. And only 13 region swaps are needed to do it.

Dammit! 13 is an unlucky number.

Maybe there is not enough money in the treasury. Ah...actually there is...Dammit.

I need to leave a message to my wife. I have to think much more time what to do. It is not so easy.

What? Time is over? It cannot be!

Serbian army is attacking in SGP? Time is flying so fast?

What? Who says so? Nobody will have the courage to attack us.

Has anybody seen my balls?