Defining and Making Erepublik Easier Through the Alphabet! [A-G]

Day 858, 14:50 Published in Canada USA by Jelly9473

So, us erepublik vet's often us alot of lingo and abbreviations to make things easier (yes, shortening a word by 2 letters really saves us time 😛)
So I'm going to go through and define erepublik one letter at a time in a series of articles.
Where to start? OH! how about A?


ATO- Anti TakeOver Well, after living in eIndia and always having a soft spot for smaller nations I've thrown around and heard ATO used constantly, almost daily. ATO is normally followed by a team or squad or group as most of the time Takeovers (TO's) are combated by teams/countries who deploy to stop a country from being taken over. (PTO/TO's will be defineted later. Anti-Takeover's are probably the most stressfull things to handle and be a part of, one vote can save or destroy a country and it is crucial to be able to handle and distribute votes smoothly and accurately to save a nation.


BH's- Battle Hero's, Normally reffering the the medal won after doing the most damage in one 24hr battle. Battle Hero medals are hard to come buy, but there are basically 2 ways to succesfully win them.
1. Wait 4 months, train with napoleon and then once you have 20+ strength (By the time a newb reaches this I bet there will be some 50+ strength players) And then, after thinking you have high enough strength and rank be sure to have about 50 gold to make SURE you'll win, buy about 25-40Q5's, then use the rest of your gold to buy wellness boxes to be able to tank and retank. There are many strategies to winning a BH by tanking but I'll save that for another day I guess.
2. Become president, organize a landswap, attack the region, fight once or twice, retreat and BANG! You have yourself a BH 😛 Hey, its how I got one of mine 😉 (I dont recomend becoming president solely to win a BH medal though)


CAF, Canadian Armed Forces. In my opinion the best mobile unit, although thats not all it does. The CAF is filled with players who can pack a punch and lend a hand, I dont believe I've met anyone in the CAF who isn't interested in helping out and I've seen the CAF turn the tide of a battle and stop a political takeover. CAF=Awesome power 😉


DoD, Department of Defense, This is the ministry focused on keeping a nations local, and mobile army informed and supplied (if Needed) the DoD normally in most countries has a paper that publishes daily orders for their citizens. If you see something that says DoD and orders in the same sentence READ IT!


EDEN. (Not the Garden) is the Erepublik Defence & Economy Network, currently 13 countries are members, they are: Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, USA. EDEN was formed from the old alliance ATLANTIS with a few member changes, EDEN is basically the alliance against PHOENIX.


FORTIS, The other alliance created after the fall of ATLANTIS, its original members were USA, CANADA, UK, Spain and Ireland. FORTIS was eventually disolved to form the Brolliance after the UK become a member of PEACE. (Will also be explained later, P is a probably imo the worst letter atm hahaha PTO's PEACE and PHOENIX :/)

Since I already used B to explain Battle Hero's I'll take the time to mention the Broalliance now, the current members are USA, Canada, Australia and Ireland.


Gold! Gold is basically the master currency in the game, it can be exchanged for a countries currency to buy from the market, it can be used to train with Lana, It can be used to buy things on the black market, buy wellness boxes for tanking and basically: Gold runs Erepublik.

I hope you liked the article, I'll keep em coming, look out for feature number 2. Feel free to offer alternative definetions for letters already done or submit a term you'd like to see defined, or think needs to be defined as well.