December: UK Reform or Action?

Day 303, 15:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Empire Corporation
December: UK Action or Reform?

On the 1st of December Snow_Gibbon was elected as the United Kingdom’s first President. Though as we found out in my last article the leader of the Conservatives was banned and thus there was really only one choice. December won’t be remembered for the Erepublik Party Party’s first and only mandate in charge. It will be remembered for the clashes between Reform and Action. This is the story of December the true beginning of modern UK politics.

The United Kingdom in December began to grow in December. Future President shadowukcs and Kaleb were born in December. Making instant impacts on the political scene. They weren’t the only ones though as a forum group from LUE and another game called Cybernations also appeared. This months story revolves around these two groups clashing.

On December 20th 2007 Big Duncan Ferguson formed the [a url=]UK Action[/a] party. The members of UKAP heavily criticised Snow_Gibbon and the Erepublik Party Party for being horrendously inactive. They were dissatisfied with the lack of housing and goods on the market mostly at first. As well as being dissatisfied with the lack of Mayors and Hospitals.

While the UK Action Party were foaming at the mouth. Kaleb was well under way with his work. He created the [a url=]Bank of England[/a] and the [a url=]Ministry of Defence[/a] That were officially [a url=]endorsed[/a] by the President Snow_Gibbon on December the 21st. These were among the first simulated organisations in Erepublik. This prompted the admins to introduce the Simulated Organisation [a url=]rules[/a] Kaleb also set-up the [a url=]1st Commercial Bank[/a] to give out loans to people wanting to create companies.

In a [a url=]interview[/a] on the 24th of December Big Duncan Ferguson criticised the Bank of England and Ministry of Defence as doing “nothing” as they were EPP ideas. This of course caused some controversy in the United Kingdom. UK Action seemed in some peoples eyes to be doing nothing but criticise and not offer real alternatives.

The most important thing to happen in the United Kingdom in December though was the formation of [a url=]UK Reform[/a] by shadowukcs. Along with his fellow party member Nelsaidi he set-up the [a url=]UK Forums[/a] that are so popular and active to this day. This happened on Christmas Day not a bad present to give the nation I’d say. Of course a certain journalist called Shaggy123 decided to [a url=]disagree[/a] with this motion. As tensions between the newly formed parties UK Reform and UK Action mounted in the build up to Elections.

On December 27th the UK Action Party released their [a url=]Manifesto[/a] for the January Elections. Vying for a planned economy, better healthcare and inflation. A few days later though in exchange for Kaleb’s K-Arms company shadowukcs gave control of UK Reform over to Kaleb. He himself wrote a [a url=]Manifesto[/a] which involved helping the weapons industry rather than ignoring it like UK Action purposed.

On the eve of the Election UK Reform posted a quick [a url=]Question and Answer[/a] to further explain their policies to voters. As UK Action continued to criticise UK Reform as a bunch of members from the failures at EPP.

Well that’s it for December. This was before my time and most of the UK Action members are long dead so it’s a little hard to find sources for this section of History. Tune in next time for something that I was actually part of. The 313 invasion of the United Kingdom. Subscribe and don’t miss it because the next one is real juicy.