Dean Stargazer for North-West Congressman

Day 394, 14:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dean Stargazer
Dean Stargazer for North-West Congressman

Here goes. I'm writing this to tell you why you should vote for ME to be one of your Congressmen for the North-West of the eUK.

Why I'm Running
I'm not here to force you to vote for me. This is my first time running for Congress, and my first serious attempt at getting deep into the world of the eUK politics. However, I'm running both for the experience, and because of the belief that I can really help the eNorth-West became a better, more democratic place.

I firmly believe in getting the people involved in Politics. I believe in helping along the Democracy of the eUK, and as Congressmen I would do my best to put across not only my views, but the views of the people who matter - the people of the Constituency I'm serving. More on my plans later.

Prior Experience
I have been a citizen of the New World for just over a month now. What is my experience in ePolitics? I can't say I have a massive amount. That isn't, however, for lack of trying. Don't let it deter you from reading further.
I have become an active member of The Unity Party, and I'm not one to be afraid of putting across my point of view. I hope to carry that determination and confidence, combined with sensible thinking and a sense of fair play, into Congress this election.

What I Plan to Do
As I mentioned earlier, I want to bring Democracy, and I want to bring YOUR voice into ePolitics. There is no point in me running for Congressman, no point in me even spending time to write this manifesto, if I would just put my views across, or the views that I'm told to by my party.

If I am elected as one of your North-West congressmen, my inbox will always be open for YOUR suggestions as to what the House of Commons should be talking about, and to what should be implemented in the eUK. I will endeavour to reply to each of your messages with my opinion or comments.

I intend to turn the Regional North-West forum on the eUK Forum into something far better than its sorry state right now. I intend to use it to talk to you about what I'm doing, and to get your views to me on a particular issue.

I intend to be active. I intend to debate if I disagree with my point, to vote when it's required, for your benefit and for the benefit of the eUK as a whole.

I don't know as much as I'd like about the Economy, and about Military matters. If I am elected, rest assured that my knowledge will grow over this next month, and I will be making informed decisions on your behalf. I want stability for you, and your wages. I want the citizens of the eUK to rest easy at night knowing that their money is safe.

Why you Should Vote for Me
I can't pretend to be the BEST candidate for the North-West this December. I can tell you, however, that I will be active, I will be open, and above all, I'll work for the citizens of the eNorth-West to the very best of my ability.

Now, whilst I'd very much appreciate any and all of your votes, I urge you to take a bit of time to read the Manifestos of the other candidates for the eNorth-West. I think everyone should make an informed decision, and vote for who they honestly think will suit the position - and not just vote for someone in their party.

- Dean Stargazer
TUP Congress Candidate for the North-West