UPDATED Day 981 - Battle Orders

Day 979, 05:00 Published in Norway Norway by Forsvaret

Dagens ordre: ^ http://www.erepublik.com/en/battlefield/293 #

Fight in Trondelag

Priority level: HIGH

A quick battle advice
Get some real target practice with the brits. Just don't shout at them, as they are easily scared.

Deploying on the battlefield
The Russian troops will form a front towards our deploy zone which consists of two columns of hexagonal tiles (coordinates beginning with 19 and 20). Even if there should be some blue tiles left other places on the battlefield, do not deploy there - you will be killed more or less instantly. Deploy somewhere in the rightmost column (coordinates beginning with 20). As long as your unit is located in a 20,X coordinate, it cannot be attacked. You can freely move up and down column 20 while you search for targets. Therefore, if you deploy on a 19,X coordinate, spend your first turn to move rightwards into safety. Then you can calmly plan your next steps.

Picking a target
Click on the tiles occupied by Russian front troops and check which units are deployed in each. The wepon type and level of that weapon indicates what chances you have to win a 1-on-1 battle. Remember, when your attack turn is over, you will be killed, so pick carefully to see if you can remove at least one Russian. Check the eRepublik wiki to see what advantages and disadvantages the different weapon types have against other types: Tank | Infantry | Artillery | Air unit

Move to a tile in the 19 column that is adjacent to the tile where your selected target is. Click the attack button and select the target tile. Then you have to select the target from the listed units on the tile. When you have chosen the unit to attack, select the booster and activate the go berserk button. This means that when (if) you have won your first fight, you will immediately attack another unit on that tile. If you are strong, you might actually kill off a number of enemies before you die yourself. During the next move, you will most likely be taken out anyway, so deal as much damage as you can!

When your attack turn ends, it is the enemy's turn and you will most likely be killed by a number of Russian troops. They can attack into the first column of the deploy zone although they can't proceed there. Your attack will have given you some more experience, but you cannot heal unless you use gold. However, the game is now fixed so that on next day change, your health will be restored to 70 plus any added health/happiness from food and/or house. This is the way healing works now compared to hospitals earlier.

A more extensive guide to fighting will be available later, for now just step by the battlefield and try it out to get a first hand feeling about how battles work in eRepublik Rising.

Also, step by #eNorge, the Norwegian IRC channel for a chat!