Day 23 - Waiting to Exhale

Day 667, 19:47 Published in USA USA by Astra Kat G

This is how I remember the Red Dawn movie happened.

And that's how I hope it happens when the Russians invade Florida.

If they ever get around to it.

Honestly, Russia, if you're going to declare war, rattle your battle sabers, and tell us you're going to invade, can't you do us the common courtesy of following through? This waiting is getting kind of annoying. Not that I want to be wiped off the map, but I want to see Russia pay to attack Florida. At least once.

Oh well, good luck to eCanada against eIran and eHungary!

Be sure to read Vice President Jewitt's latest article, which both explains that we were bugged out of the initiative yet again and that, for sure and for certain, the 50000 USD that had been stolen was returned to the Treasury! It was quickly transferred out as part of that 60000+ USD proposal I mentioned in a previous article. tl;dr? Listen, instead!

On the Congressional front, we're still monitoring the nominations of candidates for Congress. Obviously, Party Presidents need to get things together on this front, before we lose any more states. One suggestion is to have military candidates run only when there aren't any politicians available, in states that are about to fall... that way, when they get elected into Congress due to a bug, they'll simply use up their proposals on important government business and then resign.

We've now used more proposals than we would've had with just the eleven (9 official + 2 wildcard) Senators, so you see it's important to get some more proposals to use if we're to be reduced down to one state by election time (though I'm not seeing that happening at this point... we'll see).

Also, Publius came up with a Greasemonkey script that will allow us to immediately see whether a donation proposal is for real or is fake, so that's cool. I can't use Greasemonkey (won't get into why, just trust me on that...), so I can't comment further, but apparently there are bright, vivid colors involved as a warning sign.

There was some discussion of military-run companies as well; which parts of the military need more support and what kind of support, who can be employed at such companies (such as the Home Guard, if they are of high enough skill), etc. Good stuff; if the Military Committee succeeds in coordinating with the military on this, we should be able to be closer to having a self-sustaining military.

There was also some discussion of the brolliance between eUSA and eCanada. Hey now, don't look at me that way, that's serious business!

Voting Record - Day 23

Proposal: Donate
Proposed by: Bryan Mills
Description: Do you agree to transfer 99999 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
Voting Choice: Yes
Result: 26 Yes, 1 No
Details: Following the issuance of 100000 USD for 500 Gold, this Donation quickly removed most of that USD from the treasury. 99999 USD is the maximum for a Donation proposal.

Proposal: Peace Proposal
Proposed by: Ace Ventur4
Description: The President of Portugal demanded a sum of demand 0 from your National Treasury in return to a peace treaty with USA.
Voting Choice: Yes
Result: 14 Yes, 3 No
Details: And here's the peace proposal, as proposed by the President of Portugal himself.

Proposal: Donate
Proposed by: seeker1
Description: Do you agree to transfer 36588 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
Voting Choice: Yes
Result: 27 Yes, 1 No
Details: Money matters.

My paper's finally listed in the American Media Mogul Project. Thanks to JRodger, too, for mentioning my paper in his paper, as well!

Momentous news! I won first place in something. Yes, it's an eBabe contest in a publication known for its scantily-clad women in bikinis, but I don't mind. Winning is winning. And not to sound too shallow, but I've wanted to be on the list since I first discovered it, shortly after joining eRep. So, thanks very much!

Redhead > Reds every time, America,
~Katherine "Astra" Gallagher